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  • Your heart is revealed and your character is forged when life does not turn out the way you planned.
  • It is the act of facing the storm that you discover what lies inside you and decide what lies before you.
  • Faith believes that with God, we are never helpless victims.
  • "Wherever you find yourself--do not easily leave."
  • C.S. Lewis wrote in The Screwtape Letters that although we would think that people are most vulnerable to temptation in season when their energy levels and appetites are highest, in fact it is when we are in the valley, when we are struck by sadness or desolation, that we are in the most dangerous place.
  • I don't think that it is ever enough just to run away from sin. Sin is a pretty dogged pursuer. Sooner or later, you have to turn and face the pain that makes the temptation so attractive. Sooner or later, you have to run to God.
  • Joseph (the Dreamer) decided he would rather face life with the Lord and have nothing than face life without the Lord and have 'everything.'
  • Sometimes God comes, not in those moments when we are most lifted up, but when we are not down the lowest in the place of vulnerability and fear. Sometimes He comes, not on the mountaintop, but in the storm.
  • Storms have a way of teaching what nothing else can.
  • Self-preoccupation is actually self-defeating and produces loneliness.
  • Every word you speak boosts someone's hope a bit, or kills it just a little.
  • Ever since that third day (when Jesus rose from the dead), whatever bad news may enter your life has no power to separate you from God. For the story of this world is a good good news/bad news story.
may 7 2010 ∞
may 7 2010 +