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Lists help keep my head on straight...I make worry lists, to-do lists, want-to-do lists, and every other list is my autobio list...

* I want to be an editor- Update 3/31/2010- I AM an editor! WOOT!
* I like to write but I don't
* I am polyamorous
* I am Wiccan, on the clergy path
* I majored in Biology cause my mother told me to
* I'm working on a masters in Clinical Labo...

listography TERMS

OMG what a questions...

  • I'm trying to not be fired
  • I am trying to figure out how to word things in my evaluation so I won't be fired
  • I am wondering whether or not being fired is the best thing for me
  • I am stressing a ten page paper that is due by Friday otherwise I don't get kisses this weekend from Rose ::pouts::
  • I am stressing a presentation due on Monday
  • I am trying to figure out how to explain to my parents that I want to move out and get married without them trying to make me pay for my cell phone bill
  • I am tryin to make Rose realize that she is amazing and that someday, she is going to look back and say, "What the hell was I doing stressing out about core classes?"
  • I am trying to decide whether this is the right time to go after my current dream...or if I should wait some more and see if the dream changes
  • I am really thinking about the fact that I need to go to the doctors
  • I am making friends in Providence and we are creating a formal RINEDS group (if you don't know, just don't ask)
  • I am trying to get a book published and two books written
  • I am trying not to die just yet.
apr 8 2009 ∞
may 20 2011 +