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Lists help keep my head on straight...I make worry lists, to-do lists, want-to-do lists, and every other list is my autobio list...

* I want to be an editor- Update 3/31/2010- I AM an editor! WOOT!
* I like to write but I don't
* I am polyamorous
* I am Wiccan, on the clergy path
* I majored in Biology cause my mother told me to
* I'm working on a masters in Clinical Labo...

listography TERMS
  • Kyle's Bday Party- Twas fun. Everyone got to meet Rose and it was fabulous
  • Easter- Merely a week after, at the exact same place with the exact same was interesting, I don't think that had every happened before in our family
  • BioMaterials Presentation- OMG I sucked! But everyone said I did ok...I wonder if they are lying to me...or if I'm really that good of an actress
  • Lab Management Paper Due- Can you say "I outlined the book and then inserted it with a whole bunch of BS?" was kinda like that.
  • 1st PERI Meeting- At least PERI is better than our first name- The Zombie Antidefamation League. Though, on second thought, it's kinda growing on me...
  • Rope Class- OMG Amazing! I can only tie like one knot...but with that one knot, I can totally turn myself into a mummy with rope! (ok, so sometimes weird things amuse me)
  • 100 Days- Rose has been living in RI for 100 days. I thought it was important
  • The Nothing Weekend- The first weekend this entire year that I did ABSOLUTLY NOTHING! And it was wonderful
  • River Clean Up- Twas fun...and my boss even said I did a good job- SWEET!
  • Over 20 Inspections- well whaddya know, I'm keeping my New Year's Resolution
apr 24 2009 ∞
may 20 2011 +