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Lists help keep my head on straight...I make worry lists, to-do lists, want-to-do lists, and every other list is my autobio list...

* I want to be an editor- Update 3/31/2010- I AM an editor! WOOT!
* I like to write but I don't
* I am polyamorous
* I am Wiccan, on the clergy path
* I majored in Biology cause my mother told me to
* I'm working on a masters in Clinical Labo...

  • Hiding parts of yourself just makes you depressed and anxious. Don't do it. Just be yourself from the beginning. At least if they hate you, it's because they legitimately hate you and not their perception of you...believe me there is a difference.
  • Don't bother trying to stop yourself from being yourself. It's like trying to make the sun rise in the West and set in the East.
  • Say your life is like an engine. And your engine doesn't run. And you take it completely apart, you clean every piece and check every valve etc. and everything is sparkling again...but it doesn't work...look around and make sure you are not underwater. It's impossible for the engine to run if the environment sucks.
  • Sometimes in life, you need to set that freakin bridge on fire and do a little dance around it.
  • You need at least one person who loves you for exactly who you are, who you were and who you will be. Make sure you get them on tape so you can hear their voice whenever you need it.
  • Sometimes you may need a psychologist, a psychiatrist, a life coach, and a prescription for welbutrin all at once to wake up your spirit again.
  • Everytime you find a fear, a wall, or a limiting belief, you need to set it on fire and watch it burn to ashes.
  • Everytime you come up on someone who is trying to make you keep the status quo when you know that the status quo sucks...tell them to shove it.
  • The Law of Attraction is REAL and DAMNNED POWERFUL!
  • Gravitate towards people who admire you. They are a valuable resource and you should admire them too.
  • The closer you are to your true self, the better the Law of Attraction works, the luckier you are, the more opportunities arise, the more time you have adn the more excited you are to get up in the morning.
  • My purpose in life is to be a conduit. I am an indispensible resource for people. My goal is to help others achieve their dreams of achievement and to build a bridge between what they want to share with the world and what the world can hear.
  • 2009 was absolutely worth it. I am so thankful that it happened.
jan 27 2010 ∞
jan 27 2010 +