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Lists help keep my head on straight...I make worry lists, to-do lists, want-to-do lists, and every other list is my autobio list...

* I want to be an editor- Update 3/31/2010- I AM an editor! WOOT!
* I like to write but I don't
* I am polyamorous
* I am Wiccan, on the clergy path
* I majored in Biology cause my mother told me to
* I'm working on a masters in Clinical Labo...

listography TERMS
  • People think I am aggressive
  • People think I am not aggressive enough
  • People think I am happier when other people do all the work
  • People think I take on too much
  • People think I am standoffish
  • People think I care about too many others
  • People think I am too mature for a relationship
  • People think I am too sappy and lovey dovey
  • People think I should take charge of my life
  • People think I should relax and go with the flow.

What I have learned even though I knew it all before:

  • I should ignore everyone else and be myself
  • I should feel good about myself, regardless of other people's energy
  • I should feel equal to everyone around me
  • People have skewed perceptions...people will always have skewed perceptions
  • The world is a messed up place that will never make sense unless I choose a framework to view it from, even if that framework is wrong, even if that framework does not have 360 degree vision
  • I need a clearer view of what I want out of life, right now, regardless of any variables, future choices or catastrophies that come my way
  • Life is what happens when you are busy making plans. And I have been making plans my whole life.
mar 30 2009 ∞
may 20 2011 +