- infinite money
- The Annotated Watchmen
- aaaall the pillows for both my bed and my sofa
- aaaallllllll the books! there are so many! I need to read them all!
- aaaall the shelves for aforementioned books (I can still see parts of my wall, thus I need more)
- aaaall the 1000 piece jigsaw puzzles
- Good Omens Tarot Deck
- a really really fancy Lord of the Rings edition to lovingly stare at
- a Time Lord pocket watch
- really cool bedsheets, all kinds of nerdy bedsheets, just for me to enjoy
- ✔ in particular the map of Middle Earth tho
- The Absolute Sandman (would be my third edition but no matter I NEED THEM ALL)
- ✔ 1 Handrührgerät (okay, out of all the things on here I probably need this the most xD)
- the His Dark Materials graphic novel adaptation
- ✔ a physical copy of The Salt Grows Heavy with that cover that shows them both and is all red it sparks joy
- an original Deponia Feuerschnabeltier
- an electric piano
- really nice hardcover editions of all the Murderbot Diaries
feb 25 2024 ∞
jan 21 2025 +