C R E A T I V E: 41%

The Creative appreciates all beautiful things, in art and daily life. The creative act is essential to who they are.

  • Other Expressions: Performer, Creator, Storyteller
  • Life Journey: To explore the heights of imagination through new forms of creativity.
  • Unique Challenge: To overcome the fear of being unoriginal.
  • Lesson To Learn: To develop artistic gifts rather than ignoring them.
  • Defining Grace: Creativity
  • Challenge To Self: I will develop my talent and express myself without letting fear of failure hold me back, and stand by my artistic point of view in the face of criticism.

T A S T E M A K E R: 35%

The Tastemaker is always on top of the trends—or starting their own. Their sense of style is second to none and their taste, impeccable.

  • Archetype Family: Fashion
  • Other Expressions: Host, Stylist, Goddess, Diva
  • Life Journey: To become comfortable in my own skin; to derive power from self-esteem rather than the clothes I wear.
  • Unique Challenge: To cultivate my individuality; to form a stylistic point of view that reflects my whole being.
  • Lesson To Learn: To recognize when I’m being judged superficially.
  • Defining Grace: Exuberance
  • Challenge To Self: I will create an authentic life that reflects my individuality and empowers me as a person.

V I S I O N A R Y: 24%

Leave it to others to live by the status quo. The Visionary is interested in new ways of seeing, solutions not yet imagined, products not yet built.

  • Archetype Family: Visionary
  • Other Expressions: Entrepreneur, Innovator, Pioneer, Guide, Dreamer
  • Life Journey: To bring the future into the present, and sense the changing impulses of society.
  • Unique Challenge: To remain committed to a new vision in order to bring it to fruition.
  • Lesson To Learn: To believe in my vision, however great or small, and my creative potential to change lives.
  • Defining Grace: Courage
  • Challenge To Self: I will envision new possibilities for humanity and recognize when an idea is worth rearranging my life for.
jan 1 2017 ∞
jan 2 2017 +