OPENNESS: Openness reflects your willingness to embrace new and unusual experiences. [{99%}]

    • Your high level of openness suggests that you are imaginative, creative, and comfortable with variety and change. But you can also tend towards individualistic behavior and impractical thinking.

CONSCIENTIOUNESS: Conscientiousness is about how we control and act on our impulses. [{69%}]

    • You are good at thinking through your actions before acting on an impulse. This helps you to avoid unnecessary stress or trouble, but it can also lead to workaholic and perfectionist extremes.

EXTRAVERSION: Extraversion reflects how energetically you engage with the outside world. [{79%}]

    • Your high level of extraversion suggests that you experience positive emotions from social situations and activities, so are likely to seek them out and thrive in them.

AGREEABLENESS: Agreeableness indicates your concern for the happiness of social groups. [{0%}]

    • You have a healthy sense of skepticism, and a strong resolve. You don't shy away from making those tough decisions which can't please everyone but still need to be made.

NEUROTICISM: Neuroticism shows your tendency to respond emotionally to events. [{90%}]

    • You are emotionally reactive and prone to react intensely to events with feelings that linger for some time. This can affect your ability to think clearly or cope with change and stress.


    • Emotional people tend to embrace their positive and negative emotions fully, which means they have lives full of excitement. But it's all too easy to switch between happy and sad very quickly, and it's important that the highs and lows balance each other. There may be times when you would benefit from stepping back from a situation to protect yourself from getting too carried away.


    • Driven people tend to be concerned primarily with their own needs and desires. They are prepared to work hard on achieving them and always keep their eyes on the prize. You may fall into this category if your single-mindedness sometimes means that you can easily become uninterested in other people if you don't think they'll be able to help you achieve your own goals.

self control

    • You're usually able to keep things under control but sometimes anger can sneak up on you and take over very quickly. And when it does it feels natural to express it pretty directly. It's important to think not just about how your anger makes you feel, but how it makes other people feel too. It's also important - even if it doesn't seem so in the heat of the moment - to learn when it's best just to walk away from a situation.


    • Perfectionists are likely to exert a lot of control over themselves and the world around them. They focus on even the smallest details and want everything to be just right. This is a great attitude to have, but if it's taken to the extreme it can lead to some distress - setting yourself unrealistic goals can lead to feelings of guilt and self-recrimination.


    • You're interested in the new and different. Whatever it is, if you haven't experienced it before, you'll want to give it a try. People who share this characteristic also enjoy meeting people from different backgrounds, so thrive in big communal activities where they can learn about new places and perspectives.


    • People with this characteristic are likely to enjoy social situations where they can really shine - where they can be in charge and give instructions rather than take them. They tend to be natural decision makers. If you recognise this trait in yourself, remember to think about how other people might perceive your forthright approach.


    • Influential people are productive, efficient and quick. They know what needs to be done and they're ready, willing and able to make it happen. Sometimes your determination might come across to other people as pushiness though, so it's important to know exactly where the line is between being influential and being domineering.


    • People with analytical attitudes are true critical thinkers and like to consider each situation on its own merits in order to avoid being influenced by sentimentality or tradition. This leaves them free to think about every angle and option before making their own judgement. If this sounds like you, be careful not to disregard the feelings of other people in pursuit of 'the truth.'


    • Achievers have a real love of learning and very strong desire to do well. They combine impressive drive, high aspirations and a diligent approach to help them achieve their goals. They're also very adept at coming up with creative solutions to complex academic problems. If this sounds like you, remember to take some time to enjoy the ride - it can be as exciting as reaching the destination.


    • Sensitive people are extremely aware of potential dangers and problems around them - perhaps a little too aware sometimes. In fact, they tend to purposefully imagine worst-case scenarios. If you recognise this trait in yourself, rather than let yourself be overcome by fear use these theoretical situations to stimulate yourself to come up with imaginative solutions.
jul 27 2017 ∞
aug 25 2017 +