• [22:22:18] Maria Eduarda Lopes de Oliveira: AAAAAAAHGAHAHAHAHAHAH TAZOANDO??????
  • [22:28:11] Maria Eduarda Lopes de Oliveira: VLW FIH
  • "Pimp hat vs. trucker hat?" "Seriously? is there any other choice but the pimp hat?" - Brian Fallon
  • "As vezes eu tenho que ser humilde mas dá preguiça" - Vic Hollo
  • "can’t believe she “fucked” nsn that fag looks like a bum ass hippie bitch" isanyoneup no da lallie HAHAHAh
  • "so god hates us, circle pits, and pink hats. fucking brilliant!" M. Shadows @ Pinkpop
  • "April, why do humans wanna make themselves dummer looking than they already are?" "I don't know Michelangelo" "I'm Raphael." - TMNT
  • "I got chills up my buttcrack" Sebastian Bach
may 4 2011 ∞
nov 11 2011 +