Sakura and the Mysterious Magic Book

  • Sakura: But it was YOUR job to guard the seal and make sure the clow cards didn't escape.
  • Kero: I know I just took a little nap.
  • Sakura: For how long?
  • Kero: 30 years or so - I NEVER SAID BEING A GUARDIAN WAS EASY!!


  • Sakura: I can't be a card captor!
  • Kero: Are you sure? And once you capture all the cards you'll be a hero!
  • Sakura: Yeah well I'm just a kid. I'm not old enough to capture the cards yet.
  • Kero: Yeah well you were old enough to let the Clow cards loose!
  • Sakura: They'd still be in the book if you hadn't taken a 30 year nap!!
may 9 2011 ∞
jun 21 2011 +