may 31 2019 ∞
jun 10 2019 +

Reason #1 Become a creator (not just a consumer)

Reason #2 History & Legacy

Reason #3 Express your creativity

  • Skills
  • Confidence
  • Knowledge
  • Problem Solving
  • Resilience

Reason #5 Build a Portfolio

  • Business
  • Personal Network
  • Personal Brand

Reason #7 Personal Branding

Reason #8 Make Money

  • Raise Awareness
  • Raise Money
  • Change Lives

Reason #10 Create Community

may 31 2019 ∞
may 31 2019 +
  • A guide who elevates people to be their best self.
  • A leader who challenges people to achieve more than they ever thought possible,
  • A mind that dreams bigger than people think is realistic,
  • Creativity that makes people scratch their heads perplexed and say, “hmmmm.”
  • I want to be known for being an individual that helps other people recognize their purpose and inspire them to believe they can make a difference,
  • A leader who breeds creativity, empowerment and innovation amongst followers,
  • One who creates an environment where people feel respected, want to work hard and feel comfortable to be themselves.
  • I want to challenge people to move out of their own way to fulfill their maximum potential…their purpose.
  • I want to be known for my tenacity, resil...
jun 2 2019 ∞
jun 2 2019 +

every day in the next month, learn one phrase in our target language (or languages) and focus on using it in our day-to-day life (instead of the English phrase).

1) Hola - Hello

2) ¿Cómo estás? - How are you?

3) Buenos días - Good morning

4) Buenas tardes - Good evening

5) Buenas noches - Good night

6) Gracias - Thanks

7) Bienvenido - Welcome

8) ¿Cuántos años tienes? - How old are you?

9) Estoy hambriento - I'm hungry

10) Estoy aburrido - I'm bored

11) Discúlpame - I'm sorry

12) Soy un estudiante, doctor, profesor - I'm a student, doctor, teacher

13) Yo hablo inglés - I speak english

14) Estoy aprendiendo español - I'm learning spanish

15) No lo sé - I don't know

may 31 2019 ∞
may 31 2019 +
may 31 2019 ∞
jun 22 2019 +