• A guide who elevates people to be their best self.
  • A leader who challenges people to achieve more than they ever thought possible,
  • A mind that dreams bigger than people think is realistic,
  • Creativity that makes people scratch their heads perplexed and say, “hmmmm.”
  • I want to be known for being an individual that helps other people recognize their purpose and inspire them to believe they can make a difference,
  • A leader who breeds creativity, empowerment and innovation amongst followers,
  • One who creates an environment where people feel respected, want to work hard and feel comfortable to be themselves.
  • I want to challenge people to move out of their own way to fulfill their maximum potential…their purpose.
  • I want to be known for my tenacity, resiliency and ability to relate to almost anyone that I come into contact with because of my background and my story.
  • A hard worker who always gives 110%, even when there may be nothing else to give,
  • The individual that always believes where there is “a will, there is a way.”
  • The visionary that is able to connect strategy, mission and purpose to achieve results.
  • The leader who lives by the motto, “be the leader you would follow.”
  • A fellow human being who walks and experiences the journey alongside each one of you.
jun 2 2019 ∞
jun 2 2019 +