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"in the end we had pieces of the puzzle, but no matter how we put them together, gaps remained. oddly shaped emptiness mapped by what surrounded them, like countries we couldn't name. what lingered after them was not life, but the most trivial list of mundane facts. a clock ticking on the wall, a room dim at noon, the outrageousness of a human being thinking only of herself."

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(found on tumblr)

  • the way which they treat the waiter/waitress i always try to be polite to people, to smile and to be understanding
  • how they feel about the weather i'm more of an autumn person
  • whether they dog ear pages or highlight in books i never mark or write on my books
  • fingernails (hands in general) they're fine, i guess. a bit weird, but nice.
  • their preferred creative outlet i have no idea
  • how much they dread/enjoy talking on the phone hate it
  • whether or not they drink coffee love coffee
  • if they ever forget to eat i do forget to eat, if i'm too nervous or not in my usual environment
  • how honest they are with themselves (and others) everyone thinks they're honest. i try to be, but specially with myself.
  • if they correct your grammar if it's a typo sometimes yes, because it's funny. otherwise i don't, because i feel bad pointing other people's flaws. you might be trying to help, but it'll probably make the other person uncomfortable. you never really know how sensitive someone is.
  • how they treat their parents my parents are the people i love the most in this world. and of course, with that comes annoyance, bluntness and all that, but in the end we all care about each-other. i guess that's family love for you.
aug 12 2013 ∞
aug 26 2014 +