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"in the end we had pieces of the puzzle, but no matter how we put them together, gaps remained. oddly shaped emptiness mapped by what surrounded them, like countries we couldn't name. what lingered after them was not life, but the most trivial list of mundane facts. a clock ticking on the wall, a room dim at noon, the outrageousness of a human being thinking only of herself."

listography NEW NEWS
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    • benilde ou a virgem mãe; josé régio/manoel de oliveira
    • la autopista del sul/weekend; julio cortázar/jean-luc godard
    • paranoid park; blake nelson/gus van sant
  • portuguese cinema
    • recordações da casa amarela; joão césar monteiro
    • vale abrãao; manoel de oliveira
    • odete; joão pedro rodrigues
    • ruínas; manuel mozos
  • french
    • portfolio
    • study for the test
    • get ready for the interview
jan 3 2012 ∞
jan 10 2012 +