• Learn a new recipe together.
  • My gf and I have a movie list. The idea is this. I have a list of movies I love that she hasn't seen and she has one of movies I haven't seen. We take turns showing each other a movie.
  • I’m a little late but my wife and I since we got married will play cards together, the loser of each round has to pick up/ clean 10 things, at the end we’ve played some games together but also got a lot of cleaning done
  • Cooking competitions. Most recently we did won tons. Who came up w the best filling. You can do soup, cakes, anything! And you learn grow and get to eat the results yum 🥳
  • My wife and I occasionally do this thing we call Fun Space. We take 10 minutes planning what we want to do. Then, we each get to lead a 25 minute period of activities of our choice - no technology involved usually. It can be anything from painting, yoga, playing catch, Marco Polo on dry ground, hardcore the floor is lava, massages, etc. It can be a bunch of activities in that time or just 1. The main rule is that the person not leading MUST be very enthusiastic and positive about what the other person chooses.
  • My gf and I have the habit of watching awful horror movies on Netflix. God, there is SO MUCH shit on there, but especially horror movies are an easy target to pick on. Horror is a hard thing to get right, and if the movie sucks, then it's an enjoyable two hours spent picking apart everything that went wrong, wasn't scary etc. It's just a fun time, especially if you have the same movie taste. And if by chance you come across an actually good horror movie, then even better! Just randomly pick one, ignore the ratings and go.
sep 5 2023 ∞
sep 5 2023 +