• One of me and hubs favorite date night routines is we'll go out shopping to a thrift store or some place like Tuesday Morning and pick out a puzzle, then we'll come back home and make dinner together and watch a movie while we do the puzzle.
  • My husband and I do “no technology nights” once or twice a week. We turn off all the phones, tvs, and computers for the entire evening. Usually we’ll cook a fun recipe and do a puzzle or just chat. We fall into the netflix binge rut so easily so no technology nights are really refreshing and keep us connected.
  • We do little board games and card games where we bet little things like I’ll cook your fav dinner etc. We’ve both got back into reading so sit together and both read our books (separate books not just one book between us that would be weird ahah) Trying to improve our cooking so do a big complicated dinner together sometimes and make note if it’s good and we should use it for a dinner party. We do also watch a lot of Netflix tho can’t lie! It’s easy and we like the same shows
  • One of my favorite date nights is picking a meal that's a lil beyond our skill level, something we've never tried before, early in the week. A couple days later, we go get the groceries together then a day or two after we (attempt to) cook it together. It's a lot of fun bumbling our way through it together and either being pleasantly surprised by what we made or giggling as we try to salvage it. By spreading the process out over the week, there's never much of a time crunch and it builds anticipation. Plus there's usually a lot of stolen kisses throughout the cooking that build up the tension for some after dinner fun.
  • Pamper nights! Face masks and candlelit baths together. Really relaxing after a stressful day at work too.
  • I once had a date were dude and I made each other cocktails (he had a home bar), listened to music and fixed jigsaw puzzles. It was amazing.
  • Virtual travels. We put Google maps up and pick a starting point. Go into street view and just go. We see interesting sites in far away places we might not ever get to go. Many places have indoor views as well.
  • We make a giant blanket fort and have a picnic in it, which usually consists of ice cream. It's one of my favorite ways to spend time with him. We always leave the fort up for the kids to play in the next day so everyone gets to enjoy it.
  • One time we went to the store and bought like 8 different flavors of Pringles and then did a blind taste test trying to figure out which was which and which we liked best. It was fun! And now we know which flavors of Pringles each of us likes and dislikes. We have plans to go buy fries from different fast food establishments and do a taste test to see if we can tell which ones are from which places and decide our favorites.
sep 16 2022 ∞
mar 27 2023 +