• 大丈夫ですか (daijoubudesuka) : are you ok?
  • 行きましょう (ikimashou) : let's go!
  • 美味しいです (oishiidesu) : it's delicious!
    • とても おいしい です : it's very delicious!
  • 粋 (iki) : “refined uniqueness”; originality, uniqueness and spontaneity that is more audacious and nonself-conscious while still remaining measured and controlled
  • 鏡花水月 (kyōka suigetsu) : lit. “flower in the mirror, moon on the water”; something that is visible but cannot be touched; the subtle and profound beauty of poems that cannot be described in words
  • 七転び八起き (nanakorobi yaoki) : “fall seven times and stand up eight”
  • 侘寂 (wabi-sabi) : the beauty of things that is “imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete”; way of living that focuses on finding beauty within the imperfections of life and accepting peacefully the natural cycle of growth and decay
  • よいし (yoisho) : yoisho is a Japanese word that has no real meaning at all – it’s what Japanese people say when they flop into a chair after a hard day at work, where others might just exhale or grunt loudly
  • 高嶺の花 (takane no hana) : (n.) someone or something one desires but is far away or unattainable; lit. "flower on a high peak"
  • 初夢 (hatsuyume): the first dream had in the new year; traditionally, the contents of the dream would foretell the luck of the dreamer in the ensuing year.
  • 木漏れ日 (komorebi): an untranslatable word, which eloquently captures the effect of sunlight streaming through the leaves of the trees; the shadow created on the ground, or even in our curtains, describes this everyday beauty.
feb 19 2015 ∞
jan 13 2020 +