• strange ; tokiohotel ft. kerli(♪)

“ a freak of nature stuck in reality, I don't fit the picture I'm not what you want me to be. sorry. ⋆ You want me to change but all I feel is strange, strange, in your perfect world. so strange, strange. I feel so absurd in this life. don't come closer, in my arms forever you'll be strange, strange. ⋆ You want to fix me, push me into your fantasy; you try to give me, sell me a new personality. ⋆ You try to lift me, I don't get better. what's making you happy is making me sadder. [...] all I feel is strange. I am so strange. ⋆ In my dreams together we'll be strange in a perfect world.

jun 7 2014 ∞
dec 12 2015 +