As if he has the music inside of him, the beat is his own heart, the harmony and melody sing through his veins and muscles. He’s not a person, he doesn’t have feelings or thoughts -- he’s only an extension of the music. ↪ got me up all night - sekai ff

I'm dancing in a room as if I was in the woods with you; no need for anything but music. Music's the reason why I know time still exists. ↪ elisa - dancing

We assume people show love the same way we do — and if they don't, we worry it's not there.

As an entertainer, as another kind of minority facing the public, I feel at a loss towards a world that does not accept differences. ↪ kim jonghyun

People aren’t always what you want them to be. Sometimes they disappoint you or let you down, but you have to give them a chance first. You can’t just meet someone and expect them to be everything you’re looking for and then be angry when they’re not every hope and aspiration you projected onto them. It’s foolish to believe that someone will be what you imagine them to be. And sometimes, when you give them a chance, they turn out to be better than you imagined. Different, but better. ↪ chloe rattray

If you don't go after what you want, you'll never have it. If you don't ask, the answer is always no. If you don't step forward, you're always in the same place. ↪ nora roberts

Sometimes you climb out of bed in the morning and you think, I'm not going to make it. But you laugh inside- remembering all the times you've felt that way. ↪ charles bukowski

To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.

Even though life could be so hard, we should always smile and see it as a good thing. ↪ lee taemin

You don’t have to judge the whole world by your own standards. Not everybody is like you, you know. ↪ haruki murakami - the elephant vanishes

Life is like a piano: the white keys represent happiness and the black keys represent sadness, but as you go through life, remember that the black keys make music too.

Believe in yourself and be patient. Be as different as you want to be. You have every right to do that, and it may be difficult and lonely at times, but there is no greater privilege than owning yourself.

Never regret something that once made you jongin

You will have days where you feel better, and you will have days where you want to die. Both are okay. There is no magical cure. You just need to close your eyes, and trust that the waves will pass, and soon you’ll be able to breathe again.

Breathe. You’re going to be okay. Breathe and remember that you’ve been in this place before. You’ve been this uncomfortable and anxious and scared, and you’ve survived. Breathe and know that you can survive this too. These feelings can’t break you. They’re painful and debilitating, but you can sit with them and eventually, they will pass. Maybe not immediately, but sometime soon, they are going to fade and when they do, you’ll look back at this moment and laugh for having doubted your resilience. I know it feels unbearable right now, but keep breathing, again and again. This will pass. I promise it will pass. ↪ daniell koepke

I have learned something in the length of time that I have been here. This is temporary. Everything changes, whether you want it to or not. What you feel now will eventually fade and you will cease to remember it, until you need the information that you learned from it to survive, then it will be there for you.

For what it’s worth: it’s never too late to be whoever you want to be. I hope you live a life you’re proud of, and if you find that you’re not, I hope you have the strength to start all over again. ↪ f. scott fitzgerald

I’ve always been something of a troubled soul. Growing up, I had a constant feeling of “this is not my world”. ↪ carl barât

Alone is what I have. Alone protects me. ↪ sherlock

We only have two lives. The second one starts when we realize that we only have one. ↪ tom hiddleston

I cannot make you understand. I cannot make anyone understand what is happening inside me. I cannot even explain it to myself. ↪ franz kafka; the metamorphosis

I’m in love with cities I’ve never been to and people I’ve never met.

Fight your demons.

I love those mornings when you wake up to darkness and no one is asking anything of you. You're under no pressure to exist. This is something of which I am in constant need.

It's a sad day for happiness, in this crazy world. It's a crazy world, so all we can do is be a little crazy to save today.

We're all kind of weird and twisted and drowning. ↪ haruki murakami

Find me know. Before someone else does.

People's memories are the fuel they burn to stay alive. ↪ haruki murakami

apr 21 2014 ∞
mar 2 2015 +