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Engineer.... of?
Yes... my own doom. Listed here are lists.... most of which will contribute to my utter and complete annihilation in some form or factor. I work with high voltage on a daily basis. This is obscenely dangerous (the electric chair is 3,000V, I work with 300,000V on a daily basis). I'm sure due to this I will either get hit by lightning or electrocuted in my bath tub. Irony is that...

listography NEW NEWS
list icon
  • Coming up with new High Voltage implements of doom (Work away from Work)
  • Tube Amplifier design and build
  • Playing Guitar (poorly)
  • Road Biking
  • Mountain Biking
  • Running
  • Swimming
  • Triathlon-ing
  • DIY (anything)
  • Home improvement
  • Working on my Car
  • Building things for cheaper than you can buy them
  • Playing with my dog
  • Hiking
  • Rock Climbing
  • Reading
  • Playing video games
  • Film
  • Blogging (writing up my life in such a way that it may actually be interesting)
  • Listening to Music (live preferably)
  • Fencing (yes... playing with swords)
  • Aikido
  • D&D (yes... I understand how geeky this is... that's why it's on the bottom of the list)
jul 14 2009 ∞
jul 14 2009 +