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Engineer.... of?
Yes... my own doom. Listed here are lists.... most of which will contribute to my utter and complete annihilation in some form or factor. I work with high voltage on a daily basis. This is obscenely dangerous (the electric chair is 3,000V, I work with 300,000V on a daily basis). I'm sure due to this I will either get hit by lightning or electrocuted in my bath tub. Irony is that...

listography NEW NEWS
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  • Her lovely Green eyes
  • The fact that she endlessly teases me, mostly when I deserve to be teased.
  • Back Massages
  • I never thought I wanted to date a girl as tall as me. Needless to say I had no idea what I was missing out on.
  • Friendly competition
  • Her easy going nature
  • Her Smile, the way it lights up her face and warms my heart.
  • The way she's always up for the next challenge, never shying away from my crazy ideas...
  • Her outdoorsy-ness
  • She loves dogs (including my silly puppy)
  • The kindness I see in her
  • Her goofiness makes me feel less like an absolute goof... (or at least I'm not alone)
  • The way she plays with my (now curly) hair.
dec 22 2009 ∞
dec 22 2009 +