• my full name is ena marie y. avila
  • i was born in december 16, 1997
  • i've been living in general santos city for 21 years
  • i started to lose my 20/20 vision when i was in 3rd yr hs
  • my biggest insecurity would be my dark armpits. if ever this gets lighter, i'm going to be the most confident woman ever!
  • i don't consider myself as a fully-pledged environmentalist but i think it's safe to say that i want the environment to be preserved because we appreciate and love it but we keep destroying it.
  • i became aware of the global warming phenomenon back when i was in grade 5 because i noticed as we travel from gensan to kapatan, the shore along the way is starting to get closer to the road. i made a little post about it on friendster.
  • i am a lifestyle, minimalist and zero-waste enthusiast. anything that is beneficial to my wallet and the environment is what i love.
  • the blockers of my productivity are definitely my phone and my laziness.
  • i'd like to believe that i was born to be a fangirl. i enjoy knowing MORE about the person/group then love them for a very long time and i would dedicate my time knowing them and loving them.
  • my fangirling does not always revolve around celebrities. sometimes it could be movies, artists, the real person behind a biographic movie.
  • i am a person of dreams and visions but tbh, i've never achieve anything close to achieving those. i'm a HUGE LAZY ASS.
  • i have no specific steps and plan in my life. all i want is to be financially literate, rich, traveller and emotionally stable.
  • i possess a lot of skills and i'm planning to add more but i don't have one that i must say i am expert at. i think graphics would be a close one.
  • i wish i was a child prodigy so i won't be able to struggle in knowing where i am good at.
  • i dreamed someday that i'm going to be a TEDtalk speaker. or an influencer. or someone that can actually move the hearts of the people.
  • i spend most of my time on youtube. i waste my time on youtube.
  • i like watching olympics (especially figure skating and gymnastics), documentaries, social issues, kpop videos, celebrity teas, celebrity interviews, lifestyle, vlogs, DIYs and such.
  • because i like watching vlogs, i lowkey dream of becoming a vlogger. not that typical vlogger like making a celebrity out of your life. i want to be like matt de avella. a youtuber with substance. not a typical filipino vlogger that screams "HI" in the beginning of the video.
  • if i ever get a youtube channel, it would be all about lifestyle and social awareness.
  • i kind of want to become a mayor of gensan. i have plans for gensan to be environmental friendly and i want the city itself to be the tourist destination since it doesn't have a tourist spot.
  • i enjoy culture. i enjoy knowing people from different culture.
  • i really aspire to be a polygot. i dream of understanding every language in the world so i can communicate to them easily and to make this world a better place.
  • i like making lists. that's why im on listography. i make lists on my notebooks too.
  • it's hard for me to socialize. the best way to talk to me is when someone actually starts the conversation. it gives me anxiety to talk first because they might end up getting bored in my discussions.
  • i enjoy reportings in class, especially when i love the topic that i would be discussing. it makes me sound smart and it gives a sense of fulfillment that you have imparted knowledge to others. it sucks that i just realized it after i graduated college.
  • i am in the boundary of close-minded and open-minded person. sometimes i chose to close my mind for some ideas that are contradicting my beliefs. i am trying to overcome that attitude.
  • i think too hard on myself sometimes.
  • i think i'm a burden to my family but sometimes i feel like im way more ahead of them.
  • i don't like to be in company with negative people because i don't want to be like them anymore.
jun 5 2019 ∞
apr 10 2023 +