__My nicknames
- __Past
- Roxi; I was obsessed with this name, I got all my friends to call me it in the second/third grade ahah
- Maddie; Same scenario as "Roxi" but in the fifth or sixth grade
- Nikki; rhymed with my last name. I think it was also fifth or sixth grade
- Kritter; eighth grade, my best friend called me this because I was weird ahah
- __Present
- Sawa; my universal nickname. Tons of people call me this.
- epicbeast101; my gamer tag, username, etc for everything
- Son/mother/father/daughter, etc; from my friends ahah
- __From my boyfriend
- Sweet Pea
- Pooch
- Tigeress
- Kitten
- Sexy Bitch
- __Nicknames I've given my boyfriend
- Stud Muffin (LOL I know so cheesy)
- Tiger
- Sexy Bitch
- Leprechaun Man-Thing hahaha
- __Nicknames I've given my roommate (Johnny)
- Jonables
- Jon
- Jons
- Jonsey
- Jonathan
- Jonassen
- Jonatin
- Jonasis
- Jonakin
- Jonjons
- Jonafer
- Jonavieve
- Jonafence
- Jonpops
- Brodadmasis
- Jonstable
sep 11 2011 ∞
sep 11 2011 +