• having little understanding of time
  • not caring about anything
  • thinking drugs were bad
  • being honest and not getting in trouble for it
  • playing with toys and not getting judged
  • sleeping with 19,482,494,700 stuffed animals
  • how getting something from the ice cream truck was the equivalent to getting an iPod
  • Saturday morning cartoons
  • being friends with all the kids in the neighborhood
  • chicken strips and fries were like going to a five star restaurant
  • what we wanted for Christmas our parents could actually afford (minus the pony)
  • how we actually wanted to spend time with our parents
  • we actually went OUTSIDE to play instead of computers, video games and television
  • not caring what we look like
  • not caring what people think about us
  • being cute
sep 14 2011 ∞
sep 14 2011 +