
  • Simon. Cat. Male. Grey mix longhair. My parents had him when I was a baby. I don't remember him at all.
  • Shadow. Dog. Female. German Shepard/Black lab mix. I had her when I was five. Only memories of her were her jumping on me and knocking me over, her shitting on the floor of my bedroom, her running away for two weeks and coming back and giving her to our neighbors because she was too hyper.
  • Patches. Cat. Female. White with orange, brown and black patches. Our neighbors gave her to us when I was six or seven. Had kittens. I don't remember what happened to her.
  • Patches Jr. Kitten. Unknown gender. Died at birth, mother Patches.
  • Diamond. Kitten. Female. Died soon after birth, mother Patches.
  • Ruby. Kitten. Female. Died soon after birth, mother Patches.
  • Daisy. Kitten. Female. Died soon after birth, mother Patches.
  • Misty. Cat. Female. Grey shorthair possibly? Kitten of Patches, one of the two that survived. She was my cat, and she only listened to me. She was very hyper, climbing curtains and such. My parents gave her to our landlord's farm or something when I was seven maybe.
  • Simon II. Cat. Male. Grey longhair. Kitten of Patches, and my brother's cat until eventually was adopted as the family pet after we gave Misty away. Was a good cat, calm and quiet, killed mice, slept a lot, etc. Disappeared when I was nine, with the suspicion he ate the rat poison in our basement and ran away to die. I miss him :/


  • Jasper. Cat. Male. Light brown/orange-y shorthair. Found him in an alley way with my brother and his girlfriend about a year ago. My brother's girlfriend carried him to her house and has had him since. We named him after Jasper Hale from the Twilight series hahaha we're not fans, we just liked Jasper, and the cat had gold eyes. Although he lives with my brother's girlfriend, he's OUR cat ahah.
  • Cabbage. Teddy bear hamster. Male. Orange with white markings. My pride and joy. Originally my boyfriend's hamster which he's had for maybe a year and a half, until brought from his parent's house to our apartment. He's a lazy ass like most Syrian hamsters, and he loves eggrolls and chocolate. Lives in a $68 cage on the dresser of my room. Previously had babies with my boyfriend's brother's hamster, but the babies and the mother are most likely dead now.

Near future

  • Female teddy bear hamster, which I'll name Turntable.
  • Several (maybe three?) dwarf hamsters.
  • Two guinea pigs, male and female OR 4 guinea pigs, all male or all female.
  • Three rats, which I'll name Scabbers, Peter Pettigrew and Roadkill.
  • Mice!!
  • Hedgehog

4+ years future

  • Dogs
  • Cats
  • Ferrets
  • More guinea pigs
  • More hamsters
  • Lizard
  • Possibly a snake
sep 8 2011 ∞
sep 29 2011 +