I am born on Sunday 12 January 1997 in the month of the Western Zodiac (star sign) Capricorn and in the year of the Chinese Animal Rat.
- Western Astrology
- Western Star Sign: Capricorn (The Sea Goat)
- Western Element: Earth (Stability)
- Planet: Saturn (Morose)
- Chinese Astrology
- Chinese Zodiac (Animal): Rat (The Artistic)
- Chinese Element: Fire (Huo)
- Yin-Yang Symbol: Yang
- Celtic/Druid Astrology, Numerolog(y & Colorolgy
- Celtic Druid Zodiac: Elm Tree The Noble-minded)
- Divine Number: Three (The Communicator)
- Divine Color: Yellow (The Innocent)
- Birthday Divination
- Birthstone: Garnet (Sensuality)
- Season: Winter
- Day of the Week: Sunday
may 3 2014 ∞
jun 23 2015 +