Hello my name is Irish and I am not even cut out to be an amateur film critique. I listed down my own guide for rating films or tele shows or even fucking anime. Can be applied to 10 point system or the 5-star system. Don't try to fight me over this, I am biased.
10 / 5.0 stars
- Masterpiece. Film's message reached to me. Had me thinking about it a lot, then and now. Scarred something in my head. Imprinted a mark in me. Overall excellent. Near-perfection. Close to perfection. Or even perfect but is there such thing like a perfect movie? Aesthetics. The cinematography and all that shit. Would watch it again. Most probably movies I can't recommend to a normie.
9 / 4.5 stars
- Worth watching. Not as good as 5.0 rating. Misses a factor or two to be a solid 5 stars. But still excellent. Wouldn't mind to to watch it again.
8 / 4.0 stars
- Very good. Looked-up to film. No doubt touched me. Often foreign films with strong message.
7 / 3.5 stars
- Like a solid 4.0 but lacking. Needs more impact. Maybe the cinematography and the like got to me. Often works up my mind enough for me to be entertained.
6 / 3.0 stars
- Satisfactory. Good story line. Often tainted with commerciality. Decent enough. Average. Fun but left no imprint on me. Meh. Not good, not bad.
5 / 2.5 stars
- Cringe-worth. Too extra. I only like it a bit. Something I'd recommend to my fake ass friends.
4 / 2.0 stars
- Unsatisfactory. Waste of time. Most probably I ended up watching it because someone close to my heart recommended me to watch it (fuck you for forcing me to watch, you know who you are)
3 / 1.5 star
- Why did I even bother. What were they thinking doing this? Seriously tho. I disgusted my own self by watching this movie.
2 / 1.0 star
- Terrible. Belongs to the trash bin. I feel like garbage after watching it. Ew.
1 / 0.5 star
- Bleach my eyes. Drill my ears bloody. Either I want to kill all the film crew and their extended families or I want kill myself.