These are fictional characters with commendable attitude/personality, has a demeanor which stroked me significantly and who carries an air of exclusiveness. However, these are my opinions and my judgment might not level to yours. Anyway, this an ongoing list since I plan to add more after tackling materials (college is my priority and accountancy is quite far from literary arts). Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you:
Amélie Poulain — (Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain)
- unforgettable smiling, melancholic, Pierrot-esque imp
- one of the most magical characters in recent memory, and the world fell in love with this charming petit lutin
Courage — (Courage the Cowardly Dog)
Darius Zackly — (Shingeki no Kyojin)
- appears to take most things lightly, as if he has experienced them previously
- wore simple clothes and conducted the trial without any drama or passion.
- overthrew the monarchy with an incredibly casual demeanour
- has no time for drama and is solely focused on carrying out his judgements
- remains ever serious but at the same time appears tired as if his age is catching up to him.
- as the head of the entire military, his priorities lie within what is best for all of humanity. This line of thinking brings Zackly to what he perceives to be the most logical conclusion, such that his loyalty is to the best interests of humanity, and nothing else.
- his words, however few they are, carry a lot of weight and are accepted without question by everyone under him.
- according to Armin, Zackly is among the people capable of abandoning their humanity to outdo the Titans as well as having the guts to also abandon things important to them in order to change something in the world, along with Erwin Smith, Ian Dietrich and Dot Pixis
Erwin Smith — (Shingeki no Kyojin)
Gregory — (Over the Garden Wall)
- very energetic boy who always has a smile on his face and very wild ideas on his mind
- endlessly fascinated by everything, including things that would normally seem scary such as the ghost in Mad Love
- has a habit of wandering out on his own
- has a pet frog which he found before his descent into the Unknown and gives it a different name every chapter (Kitty, Doctor, George Washington, etc) but ends up naming it Jason Funderberker in Chapter 10
- also carries a rock (that was stolen from Mrs. Daniel's garden), that will randomly makes Rock Facts
- more optimistic of the trio, and also more fearless (though this could just be because he doesn't know any better)
- a free spirit and he tries to help others when the opportunity presents itself
- his positivity isn't shaken by Wirt's more dour outlook on things and he never gives up
- Greg's nature is not effected during the travels through the woods even when The Beast tries to tempt him into despair; shown during The Unknown when Beatrice and Wirt believe that leaves are growing inside of him when Greg was actually just eating leaves.
Dr. Hannibal Lecter — (Hannibal)
Hiromitsu Kousuke — (Heroine Shikkaku)
Nakajima Kyoko — (Heroine Shikkaku)
Tyler Durden — (Fight Club)
- not a nice man; he'll pee in your soup, sleep with your girl, make soap out of your fat and bombs out of your soap, and beat you to a pulp
- effortlessly stylish, unshakeably cool, and dangerously charismatic
- a rock star god, a natural-born leader, a trend-setter
- unrestrained id, he is a monster, he is the very image of modern man (or at least how modern man would like to see himself)
- looks like what you want to like, he fucks like you want to fuck, and he is an utterly indelible creation