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And did you get what
you wanted from this life even so?
I did.
And what did you want?
To call myself beloved, to feel myself
beloved on the earth.
-Raymond Carver

lisa FILM
Kate Things I Love (March 2025)
a ~ travel (north / never-ending braindump)
honeybee names (for pets)
  • people are friendliest in Texas
  • people are bold enough to ask for your money - you have to be bold enough to say no
  • peoples kindness can change your whole day
  • packing the night before is a never - you will always always forget something
  • take strangers in while they're in your presence - you will probably never see them again
  • pie ala mode is the best way to have pie
  • nobody is staring at you as much as you think
    • however this doesn't mean somebody isn't staring
  • say yes YES yesyesyes to trying anything new - whether it be food or an experience.
  • do not focus on taking pictures OF the moment more than you focus on soaking IN the moment
    • but, also.. take hella pictures
  • sunscreen and sunglasses actually DO make a difference and ARE important
  • sand is worse than glitter and gets in every nook and cranny and STAYS there
  • lipstick that looks normal on you when you're pale will look pale on you when you're tan
  • free wifi is a blessing
  • asking for things will lead you to things (this seems like common knowledge, but more often than not, people will sit silent before they ask a question)
  • slowly roasting your marshmallow instead of quickly burning it to a crisp makes it taste better and is easier to smush in your s'more
  • simple jewelry is the only jewelry you need to pack, IF you pack any
  • people are most respectful in the south, hands DOWN
  • always talk to the people next to you on plane rides. they're usually nice and/or very interesting and you'll never know what you walk away with.
  • let people show their whole selves before you finalize that you hate them
  • everything you can't stand about a person shows when you're traveling with them
  • every restaurant you eat as is a little gross. or a lot gross. if it's a resturant it's gross, period.
jan 24 2017 ∞
mar 30 2020 +