First Year

  • "I met someone and I didn't like his face so I killed him." Helma Dik
  • "This is more like 'Houston we have a problem.'" Helma Dik
  • "When you meet Hermes you will recognize him." Helma Dik
  • "I certainly entertain tangents on kittens." Lauren Silvers
  • "And when A is less than zero, we just give up." David Diamondstone
  • "You guys have extra liquor? What the fuck is wrong with this team? You need to learn how to party better." JJ
  • "Stasis: Charlie Sheen = Nietzsche. Destabilization: Rebecca's face." Rebecca
  • "Las Vegas seems to have its own narrative logic." Lauren Silvers
  • "I should get a gold medal. I'm going to take one of those trophies and run around with it. Fuck all of y'all, I win!" Marjie
  • "If you get hypothermia you won't be able to come to practice." JJ
    • "Well you will, you just won't like it." Marjie
  • "You all seem to think I just sprung forth from my mother's forehead rowing." Marjie
  • "You would forget your head on the plane if it weren't screwed on." Kathy
  • "Babies only happen when you don't wrap what you love." Marjie
  • "It's like throwing a hot dog down a hallway." Kathy
  • "I'm excited to see this." Sasha
    • That movie's for like 6 year-olds." EmChen
  • "What if I named my first child Erin?" Elora

Second Year

  • "At least when I live with you I'll never have to hear crickets because I'll always just hear you." Kathy
  • "Let's plank in the middle of the road." Kathy
  • "Why don't you wrap it up and slip it in secretly?" Sasha
  • "I don't drink, so if I'm ever acting like I have no sense, it's because I nave no sense." Kathy
  • "Do you know who this girl is? This girl - my mother -- !!" EmLo
  • "I feel like a banana." Alison
  • "It's a new definition of chicken. It's like a malnourished chicken." Kathy
  • "I got Rosemary to touch my legs! I got her to touch them more than once." Kathy
  • "I just spent 10 minutes in the bathroom trying to steal the toilet paper because I don't want to buy my own." Kathy
  • "Adam Smith was a that-kid." novice Ariel
  • "Why did I eat so much? Because no one was there to keep me in check." Emily Lo
  • " I haven't strapped a boat since first year." Ariel
  • "That will be our marriage agreement: 'I owe you one for erging with me, so yes.'" Kathy
  • "Aren't you glad you're friends with me? I'm fucking craaazy." Emily Lo
  • "That's like saying, 'I finished my dissertation and you didn't.'" Justin Steinberg
  • "I grew up on TV so I have the attention span of like 20 minutes." Justin Steinberg
  • "If you agree with this then maybe I can get you to buy some swamp land in Florida." Justin Steinberg
  • "I'm going to have a mid-life crisis." me
    • "You might not even make it to the middle of your life." Kathy
  • "Every time I talk to you I'm reminded why you go to this school." Chelsea
sep 23 2010 ∞
mar 15 2012 +