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eleven · she or they . . .
& infp · 694 · pseudo-poet; born of stardust.
# layout by @emilyamiao!

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#. writing this for the memories. i don’t want to lose it

(this was so many years ago in our childhood haha. my sister and i took the 11:11 wish-making thing and ran with it. we made up this whole system and defined which times were “wish times”, so-to-speak. there were specific rules and everything. i’m noting them down because the passage of time scares me and i don’t trust my fickle brain)


  • 11:11, naturally
  • 12:34 & any other times that go in numerical order (e.g. 1:23, 4:56, 6:54, etc)
  • any times that are all the same number (e.g. 1:11, 3:33, 22:22 (we use the 12-hr clock but 10:22pm also was just cool so we counted it), etc)
  • if you happen to see the clock at an exact hour (e.g. 9:00), you could also get a wish. but it needs to be strangely serendipitous; you can’t just sit there waiting at x:59 and staring until it turns to X:00. (we broke this rule a couple times lmao; eventually we just decided it’d be like, as long as you don’t SEE it change to X:00 it counts)
  • any numbers that happened to be significant to you (e.g. 3:22 for me; it reminds me of a friend) can count


  • we also decided that the minute right after a wish time is considered slightly unlucky. actually mainly that was me & my superstitious ass. it basically served no purpose but making me excessively worried at 3:34am lmao (still does)
  • BUT: if you SEE it change to the next minute, then it’s not unlucky anymore for you. like say you see the clock go from 2:22 to 2:23 - it’ll just be another minute for you
  • this is so convoluted and for what


  • we never actually made wishes when we saw the times. we just “saved them for later”.
  • we started off by saying “save my wish for later”, but that ended up being too long of a phrase. and we were lazy. so we ended up shortening it ourselves
  • but we each picked a different shortening, because why not? i picked “swish” - s ave my wish for later. she picked “smish” - s ave m y w ish for later.
  • i remember telling one of my like elementary-school friends about this system, and told them to pick a shortening for themselves too - can’t remember what it was, but it was silly and probably related to buttocks
  • there’s so much more related to it..... but i can’t really remember anything else anymore.
feb 19 2022 ∞
feb 19 2022 +