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eleven · she or they . . .
& infp · 694 · pseudo-poet; born of stardust.
# layout by @emilyamiao!

listography NEW NEWS

#. my 2021 playlists. + (listed & written chronologically backwards)

  • 2021
    • yearly playlist for 2021!
    • an entire montage of all the most prominent songs that i liked throughout 2021, arranged in chronological order.
    • this just acts as a way to see how my music taste evolved throughout the year!
  • 12.00.21
    • monthly playlist for december 2021!
    • wow okay so my music taste has changed a bunch. as i am writing this, it is currently the 11th of dec, 2021. so it’s probably going to change even more from here
    • currently you can tell that i’ve gotten back into mcyts, just from my music taste: i have a ton of songs by wilbur + also a ton by lovejoy (though i just adore all the music by them both). i’ve been listening to a couple songs by los campesinos! too , found them through wilbur and tommy (they listen to them) + THEIR MUSIC IS SO GOOD.
    • yeah uh thisll hopefully update as the month goes on.
    • EDIT (01.06.22) : nope, i didn’t update haha . .. it’s 2022 now! well i’m going to just quickly describe what happened at the end of this playlist bc tbh it’s a bit of a mess
    • by the later parts of december, i kinda stopped listening to just one genre/playlist on repeat. at the beginning i’d really just been listening to 11.29.21 (the playlist, right below this one) ... but then around the 20s of dec or so, i just stopped
    • i kept changing which playlists i listened to each day - there was a phase where i just listened to animal crossing lofi, another where i listened to a ton of my ‘dreaming’ playlist, sometimes i even listened to ‘girl in the café’ or video game music or something
    • oh yeah + i listened to a bunch of pop at one point. more specifically one of my private playlists called ‘everlasting obsession’ (i THINK it’s private)
    • yeah but anyhow! that’s kinda how my year ended tbh! i felt kinda bad bc i didn’t tie it up in a nice and neat bow like last year (i was obsessed with a specific genre at the end of 2020 so it made it easy to end my playlists)... but this time it wasn’t that easy
    • i ended up choosing to end all my 2021 playlists with ‘it’s all futile! it’s all pointless!’ by lovejoy, because it just feels like such an ending song? does that make sense? /pos
    • idk,,, but yeah. 2021 ended like that for me, musically.
  • 11.29.21
    • daily playlist for november 29, 2021!
    • currently its like almost 3am on the 30th of november, but yesterday i was feeling like listening to some specific songs ... and so i just decided to create a new playlist to listen to.
    • it’s interesting; this month my mcyt arc just suddenly resurfaced?? you’ll probably notice that like 80% of the songs there are by wilbur soot or lovejoy ... and the others are somehow mcyt related (either literally written about mcyts, by fans, or i found them through something RELATED to mcyts)
    • i’ve suddenly also just become obsessed with ‘instant crush’ by daft punk . michael played a cover of it on his lore stream the other day & i just, suddenly became obsessed with it so! yeah.
  • 11.00.21
    • monthly playlist for november 2021!
    • yeah it’s november now !!! time passes really quickly idk. actually right now, as i am typing this, it is 2:31am on nov 1st. i really should get to bed i’ve got classes
    • oh well: i have no idea which way my music taste will go so i’ll probably update this later in the month (if i remember to) !
    • EDIT hey hey hey. okay so this is 11.22.21 me updating. a little while ago i went on a novo amor music deep dive, and absolutely fell in love with more of his songs (and you see them added there).
    • i also had like a few lofi days and wanted to add some songs to symbolize that, so you see a section that’s just a bunch of lofi haha
    • AND: the dsmp songs represent a project i was working on for classes, it was based on the dsmp & also i just find them real nice :,)
    • ‘history has its eyes on you’ i added one day while watching an old mcc crimeboys (tommy & wilbur) vod, when wilbur started singing hamilton songs during ace race,,, i guess it kinda represents how my crimeboys/clingyduo arc started up again this month idk what happened but greek mythos just got pushed aside :’) though i still love it, i’m falling back to dsmp ur honor
    • uh yeah that’s pretty much all that’s changed. still got a few more days left of nov so maybe something’ll happen but. yeah! OH and also im currently obsessed with perfume - lovejoy. i think it might be my new fav in the whole album /hj
    • ANOTHER EDIT 11.30.21, 2:46am : okay sorry for writing so much, im just constantly editing this as i see fit. but just wanted to say: THE LAST WEEKEND WAS FUCKING INSANE. goodness gracious. /pos THE LORE ,,, just went CRAZY on dsmp. i added a bunch of dsmp songs (las nevadas themes, little hero, casino royale, etc) to symbolize all that, and also theyre just vv good songs :D
    • btw at this point my greek mythology phase has just been dwindling at the side. i still love it to this day but i think about it so much less now. it’s so funny how you can read this note from bottom to top and see how my interests change throughout...
  • 10.15.21
    • daily playlist for october 15, 2021!
    • okay so... that day i just wanted to listen to a SELECT few songs on repeat: bad habits, shivers, and good 4 u.
    • so i just decided to make a playlist for it, but ended up adding a few other songs along with the three i originally planned to add.
    • the last one, ‘love nwantiti’, i heard in an ad on spotify (because im too broke to get premium lmao) and then just decided, it sounds good. why tf not? and added it to the playlist.
    • listened to it for a few days on repeat and then switched back to listening to the october month playlist just a couple days ago (from now, october 23rd)!
  • 10.00.21
    • monthly playlist for october 2021!
    • currently working on this playlist as we speak! (as i’m writing this, it’s october 23rd.) i’m in a sort of indie phase rn. obsessed with novo amor’s music, it’s amazing.
    • OH also PEBBLE BRAIN BY LOVEJOY!!!! go stream GO STREAM.
    • oh yeah btw at this point my mlp phase has almost completely died down and it’s been overtaken by ancient heroes and their legendary (and usually tragic) tales.
    • also been listening to a bunch of podcasts! (such as ‘banter’ (sapnap & karl jacobs), and ‘myths and legends’ (jason weiser, carissa weiser) !!)
  • 09.00.21
    • monthly playlist for september 2021!
    • i’m actually listening to this playlist at this moment while writing these words.
    • in october i’m still listening to this. it’s kinda where my mlp phase eventually got brutally punched in the nose and pushed aside by tsoa (which jump-started my greek mythology arc, which i am currently now in).
    • you can also see that throughout the playlist: by the end, i’m listening to songs like ‘achilles come down’ and ‘state lines’ (both of which i discovered in a playlist called ‘reading the song of achilles for the first time’. i had searched for that playlist when i was in the middle of ch30, i had a FEELING something big was going to happen so i wanted to set the mood... thank goodness i did, i wouldve LOST it if it started playing fucking ‘life by the sea’ (AMAZING SONG BTW) when i was sobbing over my boy patroclus LMAOO)
  • 08.00.21
    • monthly playlist for august 2021!
    • love how the entirety of it is just mlp songs, until there’s this random ‘life by the sea’ at the bottom lmao
    • in general this is when my mlp phase (2) was just getting deeper and then that showed in my music taste, too. really good songs btw /gen
  • 07.10.21
    • daily playlist for july 10, 2021!
    • OKAY hear me out. july is when my mlp phase came back to me after 4 years of dormancy i PROMISE im not 7 years old,,,
    • seriously though: the music is actually kinda good!!! lotta bangers!!! AND AND its actually a (pretty) well-written show!! with amazingly developed characters!!! and worldbuilding!!!! its actually good if you give it a chance /nf /lh
    • pls dont judge me lmao
  • 07.00.21
    • monthly playlist for july 2021!
    • became a bit inactive on spotify during this month, so i ended up only adding 8 songs.
    • during this month i watched death note, so that’s why i added l’s theme in the playlist. also my whole mood that month was all over the place haha... hence the desc
  • 06.23.21
    • daily playlist for june 23, 2021!
    • my notes there in the playlist desc say it all haha
    • though, that day, i’d just had the sudden urge to listen to lolirock music. yes, lolirock, the french animated show abt three girls with crystal superpowers, made for like 9-year-old girls i DON’T care /lh
    • a buncha years ago, i’d been obsessed with the show (despite.. still being too old for it,, listen i’ve had an affinity for animated children’s shows for ages okay??). listening to these songs again just brought back memories
    • also i added some owl city songs for good measure
  • 06.11.21
    • daily playlist for june 11, 2021!
    • june 11th is my birthday, and so i just found it fitting to make a playlist that day. i wasn’t feeling the best mood-wise, and that showed through the songs that i added
    • the main mood i was going for was just kind of gloomy, slow, sad.
  • 06.00.21
    • monthly playlist for june 2021!
    • didn’t really add a whole ton here bc i was still adding to the may playlist. my music tastes were about the same throughout.
  • 05.00.21
    • monthly playlist for may 2021!
    • oooh boy... this is a playlist that i really, really loved. i listened to it ALL the time, every day, for nearly 2 months. straight.
    • it’s mainly because, throughout all of may - june - july, my music taste was about the same. so even though i did create a june month playlist, i was still adding to may because it still represented my music taste accurately
    • i started it with ‘mayonaka no doa/stay with me’ because at the time, karl would start all his alt streams with the song - and putting it at the beginning sort of simulated the feeling of watching a karl alt stream.
    • this is when i started to drift away from cavetown (though i still love him, to this day). listened to a LOT of derivakat, glass animals, wilbur soot, lovejoy...
  • 04.00.21
    • monthly playlist for april 2021!
    • i think here i was beginning to get into beabadoobee, and it’s when my fundy & 5up phase began to dwindle out.
    • it’s really cool bc you can see my music taste change with my obsessions. near the very end of april, karl began to stream a LOT on his alt, and that’s when i started my dtkq arc, eventually leaving my fundy phase.
    • still listened to a bunch of cavetown, as well as some more derivakat, and a bit of wilbur soot.
  • 03.21.21
    • daily playlist for march 21, 2021!
    • that one day, i felt like listening to the entirety of the cavetown artist playlist on spotify, but with a few alterations + a few specific derivakat songs scattered in between.
    • so i just thought, hey. why don’t i make my own playlist instead of constantly queuing more of the same songs, over and over?
    • that gave me the idea to do daily playlists too, if i felt like i wanted to listen to a few specific songs on a specific day.
    • i ended up adding more songs to this playlist a few days later, too; i listened to it all the time for the next week or so.
  • 03.00.21
    • monthly playlist for march 2021!
    • at the time i’d been in a lofi, indie, chill musical phase. had just gotten into cavetown & listened to a bit more derivakat.
    • this was the first monthly playlist i made; my earlier 2021 months are better represented through some of my other playlists.
dec 11 2021 ∞
feb 5 2022 +