or something of the sort. many jotted down from books like caleb’s crossing
basic words
- bespoke
- misliked
- curtly
- rightly (“i do not rightly know”)
- aught
- countenance (composure?)
- “easy grace”
- beckoned
- ardent
- fervent
- “not a stone’s throw away”
- sorely (troubled)
- withal
- dinner & supper (lunch & dinner)
- to break one’s fast (have breakfast)
- counsel (advice)
- unbidden (“my hand flew unbidden to...”)
- beset (attack, but could be figurative: “a condition had beset me...”)
- “stilted” conversation
- footfalls (footsteps)
- flout (authority)
- clandestine (secret)
- abet
- “silken poesy”
- “kindle the cook fire”
- morning bever
- draw (water)
- mingled
- tang (smell/taste)
- tankards (food/drink containers?)
- doughtrough
- to smelt off the dross
- frugal, sparse, paltry
- fare (noun — the condition of something?)
- scrive (write)
- drowse
- yester eve
- academe
- descry (“make out,” like to see)
- fumble
- stone cairn
- akindle (of someone’s eyes)
- beeves
- raucous
- quaking (shaking)
- knees buckled…
- cadence
- counterpane (bedspread)
- glut(ted) (satisfy/fulfill, in excess)
- farce
- latrine (building) (of an outhouse)
- armillary sphere
- incur
- dearth (scarcity (of something..))
- autumnal (of age; on the older side)
- aspect (presentation, face?)
- serf/serving-men
- tankard (bottle? that likely holds ale)
- lattice-windows
- pewter
- draught (“of ale”) (the past noun form of “to draw”??)
- deportment (mannerisms)
- askance (“with a look askance at...”)
- thoroughfare (road)
- coquetry (flirtatious behavior/manner)
sentence structure
- “i meant to…”
- “(something.) so he had said…”
- i learned to (something) so as to (do something)… (so i could)
- to know/read/speak of
- (something) of late (w/out “as”)
- made a (noun verb, e.g. “snort”)
- it was well that.. (it was good that)
- mean to (would like to)
- as is one’s wont (as is one’s usual? “thing”?)
- looked about (around)
- to make a... (e.g. “slight bow,” like bowing)
- he “let that prospect play upon my head for a moment” (referring to a ‘dramatic pause’ in speech)
- to gather oneself
- “i set this down to…” (i determined that this was because…)
- “poled our craft” (poled, rowed, our boat)
- thence
- “felt a hot twist in his chest, fought it”
- (said with) a countenance (of sorrow)
- “…falls through a gap in worlds as into a mouth” (not sure how to describe this structure; “as” is used to add a simile/phrase in an interesting way?)
- “yea, forsooth”
- fain (“i would fain be...”, as in, i would like to)
- gloaming
- girdle
- bracken
- thicket
- heath
- solicitous
- ladel
- wanton
- leaden
- stunted
- shadbush
- bayberry
- woodsmoke
- unlace
- dousing
- gorged
- aswirl
- ablaze
- anointed
- sassafras
- seared
- succulent
- lean season
- heaving waves…
- telltale
- stippled
- briar
- pretense
- falsehood
- indolent (e9? jk)
- tract
- vexed
- sinews
- dwelling (for house)
- placket/undershift
- swaybacked
- regalia
- slantwise
- scotch
- endow
- sennight (a week)
- haunts (places one commonly visits)
- groves
- weir
- doughtrough
- spindle
- larder
- healthful
- pronouncement
- winnowing (verb)
- vigil
- fellowship
- idolatrous
- wan (desc. appearance)
- wainscot
- poultice
- mustard seed
- willow bark
- comfrey
- peppermint
- parched (corn)
- paraphernalia
- supine
- riven
- lancet
- harlot
- chaff
- shakedown
- nowt
- briny (brine)
- russet
- aplenty
- wastrel
- rivulet
- shorn (sheared…?)
- doublet
- marred
- princeling
- flay (to the bone..)
- onerous
- sunup
- coverlet
- “flame-lapped sky”
- filament
- beaten silver
- lacework
- buttery (sunlight)
- “the salt spray winged high on either side”
- spume
- desultory
- thrumming (ocean)
- serge (clothing?)
- billowing
- linen
- privily
- assent (agree…)
- palisade
- “hint of lips…”
- snare
- gorge (throat)
- bilious
- treacle pudding
- bronzed
- failing light
- hallowed
- cresset
- rushlight
- hand-hewn (desk)
- refectory
- pallet
- (morning) bever
- pewter
- peremptory
- mottled (pink, cheeks)
- sumptuary
- laudatory
- stipend
- sennight (oops repeat)
- worsted
- homespun
- sinewy (strength)
- wintergreen
- threadbare
- imperious (of a person)
- draught (serving of a drink)
- chouser(’s pieces) (deceiving price)
- awl
- corporeal
- tutelage
- austere
- perfunctory
- ousted
- mire
- ergot
- sodden
- hidels (hiding places)
- clangor
- fraught (relations)
- verdant (wood)
- watery light
- wisk (clothing)
- cudgels
- sundry
- stringent
- scullery
- scions
- beeswax
- cornmeal
- molasses
- milk
- in a pudding…
- wooden trenchers
- pewter
- slipware (mugs)
- tallow dip (fire?)
- velvet
- gibbet (uncomfortable thing?)
- riffle (verb, of wind)
- bursary
- a morning “wreathed in mists”
- roseate
- nobbly (root)
- tonsured
- (flower)-bedecked
- roiling (ocean, emotion)
- windswept
- lucre
- brimming pools (of eyes)
- riven (rock)
- inflame
- begloom (the day)
- set ablaze… (the night)
- laudanum
- sorrel
- earthenware
- sable
- caprice
- scourge
- mountebank
- contagion
- dell (a small valley, usually within trees)
- sable (black)
aug 13 2023 ∞
mar 25 2025 +