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hi! hi! this is an extended dni list i made! however, this is free to use and whoever feels like this dni fits their criteria can use it as they wish!

* btw all of these also include people who're neutral about these topics or believe they're 'opinions'!

  • you are a transmedicalist, terf, radfem or in general agree with any feminist takes that claim trans women aren't women or feminism that includes trans men.
  • the feminism you are part of has a transphobic * community or ideals, and you don't actively call it out/do anything against it, this applies to you too, people who are 'neutral' about transmisogyny and transphobia are transphobic as well
  • you believe you must have gender dysphoria to be trans. look up gender incongruence read something
  • misgender trans people on purpose because they're bad people. you are not the ally you think you are. eg: nikita dragun.
  • if you reclaim the t slur or derogatory terms that are used against trans women and men as someone who isn't one.
  • trans people who ignore transmisogyny or make it about themselves. eg. transmasc people making the ksi situation about them when majority of his transphobia was targeted at trans women & so on.
  • people who use slurs/terms that are commonly used in to fetishize trans people terms like these are so widely accepted and most commonly used by people who shouldn't be using them at all. terms like these are always a mix of male/female he/she boy/girl etc. it's so clearly transphobic.

educate yourself more on trans rights !

educate yourself about gender

how to help and properly support the lgbtq+

jul 18 2022 ∞
jul 18 2022 +