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and then they went on to say that the pearly gates had some eloquent graffiti, like "we'll meet again", and "fuck the man", and "tell my mother not to worry"

listography NEW NEWS
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  • blockbusters that do not have the movie i want to see
  • the way my thighs hurt right now
  • duct tape on skin
  • when i have an obscene backup of books to read
  • people who DON'T SMILE EVER
  • the fact that my aviators are irreversibly scratched in one lens
  • the mechanism which allows you to feel is broken
  • the fact that i cannot make myself get past the first few chapters of the yiddish policemen's union, even though i know it will be so good because michael chabon always is
  • when my toenail polish chips off before its time
  • the way sweaty skin sticks to leather
  • apparently, cleaning my desk
  • taxes; low minimum wage
  • the way the internet on this computer sometimes gets bored and quits for no reason
  • no more mrs. shepherd every day
  • bad lip stains
  • the scar on my lip (that is not covered by bad lip stains)
  • when post-its lose their sticky
aug 1 2009 ∞
aug 1 2009 +