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and then they went on to say that the pearly gates had some eloquent graffiti, like "we'll meet again", and "fuck the man", and "tell my mother not to worry"

listography NEW NEWS
  • 0 - times I've been in love.
  • 2.5 - boyfriends in my lifetime.
  • 1 - sibling.
  • 5 - pets in my lifetime.
  • 8 - pants size.
  • 4 - states I've lived in.
  • 6 - houses I've lived in.
  • 6 - school systems I've been in.
  • 41 - states I've been to.
  • 47 - states I have relatives in.
  • 9 - countries I've been to.
  • 3 - iPods I've owned.
  • 13 - days it would take to play my whole iTunes library.
  • 6 - AP tests I've taken.
  • 12 - AP classes I've taken.
  • 18 - reasons why I never want to think about APs and high school competition again.
  • 4.98 - my weighted GPA
  • 4 - age I was when I had my first crush.
  • 4 - proms I went to in high school.
  • 8.5 - my shoe size.
  • 12 - age I was when I moved to where I am now.
  • 25 - day of the month I was born.
  • 18 - my current age.
  • 22 - age I'll be when I graduate Tulane undergrad.
  • 3 - years I played the tuba.
  • 1 - years I played rugby.
  • 28 - age I want to be when I get married.
  • 47 - songs in my parrty playlist.
  • 110 - contacts on my phone.
  • 25 - my favorite number.
  • 28 - lists at the moment.
  • 4,960 - songs in my iTunes library.
  • 2150 - grade I got on the SATs.
  • 42 - books on my floor right now.
jun 20 2009 ∞
jul 7 2009 +