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and then they went on to say that the pearly gates had some eloquent graffiti, like "we'll meet again", and "fuck the man", and "tell my mother not to worry"

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many of which are also rio's things.

  • making money under the table
  • bras that actually fit
  • watson's eye for color; holmes' eye for watson's eye for color
  • we talked about destino; can you get large containers of KY at the pharmacy?
  • fugly is the new pretty
  • homemade pizza with homegrown tomato and basil
  • morning showers, afternoon rain
  • post-its of the bright yellow variety
  • RDJ's smile when it causes his whole face to have crow's feet
  • planning my life in Austin, TX
  • val kilmer; can we get will smith?
  • "sweatpants for your body"
  • wawa milkshakes and junior hoagies
  • falling asleep quickly; waking up slowly
  • winnie's way of laying with all her legs/feet under her
  • the way holmes and watson remind me of dante and virgil
  • posters
  • pablo neruda too
aug 1 2009 ∞
may 9 2011 +