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and then they went on to say that the pearly gates had some eloquent graffiti, like "we'll meet again", and "fuck the man", and "tell my mother not to worry"

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5th grade

  • my mom
    • lol, homeschooling did so much damage.

6th grade

  • Ms. Van Allen - Social Studies
    • she was nuts. i think this was my homeroom too. i still see her at church sometimes.
  • why don't i remember 6th grade very well? i cannot remember any of my other teachers.
  • Mrs. Sprissler - Music
    • adorable. had a son three years older than us at school.
  • Mr. Semar - Gym
    • i hate gym. i had other teachers too but i remember him best. he was actually kind of nice. his wife was my high school guidance counselor.

7th grade

  • Mr. Dieterle - Science
    • probably my favorite middle school teacher. he was fantastic. he kept all kinds of weird things in jars. after his really old, beloved fish died, he pickled it in a jar "for the good of the class".
  • Mr. Shaughnessy - Social Studies
    • he was kind of creepy, but he was a good teacher, and also funny. he made us memorize countless country-capital pairs.
  • Ms. Delfra - English
    • she was aight. i remember some assignments weirdly specifically. i remember having to bring in/write about a song that meant something to us. i think i brought a james taylor song.
  • Ms. DiFerdinando - Spanish
    • she was also nuts. had a big thing for enrique iglesias.
  • Mrs Long - Math
    • she was a good math teacher, and i sucked at math in middle school.
  • Mrs. Brocklebank - Music
    • a large blonde woman. not hard to ace her class because she was never there. i was also in select choir so she liked me, although i could not play the recorder for the life of me.
  • Mr. Bialous - Computers
    • was hilarious. on fridays he turned off the lights and played led zeppelin albums while we learned to type. at the end of class, yelled "stoooooop keyboardiiiiiing".
  • The shop teacher
    • was quiet and scary, and i was really bad at everything.

8th grade

  • Mr. DePiano - Math
    • i still see him hanging around the high school, weirdly. he was hilariously italian, and also a good math teacher.
  • Mr. Hampton - Social Studies
    • he was kind of adorable, and also this was his second year or something. we bullied him so much.
  • Mrs. Pacitti - English
    • she loved me, and i kind of loved her. i wrote very involved essays and read books she never would have actually assigned us to read.
  • Mrs. Miller - Spanish
    • i was the least obnoxious kid in the class. when i got mono and was out for two weeks, she called to tell me to feel better and come back.
  • Ms. Bainbridge - Science
    • also very young. was engaged, but apparently the year after we left she had an affair with a music teacher, who was married, and is now having his baby.
  • Mr. Yorgey - Music
    • crazy bald music teacher, kind of scary.
  • Mrs. Zombardo - Art
    • adorable. had her for at least two years.
  • Mr. Mullins - Counselor
    • we were his first. he was so adorable with red hair and a red face.
jul 5 2009 ∞
jul 19 2009 +