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and then they went on to say that the pearly gates had some eloquent graffiti, like "we'll meet again", and "fuck the man", and "tell my mother not to worry"

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  • i always listen to led zeppelin while i clean. always. they are my cleaning jamz.
  • when i was a kid, i thought pictures could see. so i was weird about changing in my own room, which had pictures.
  • i make buttloads of mixes to listen to in my car but i only label them with the first song on the CD, so choosing music is sort of random/relies on my faulty memory
  • thanks to my senior year european lit teacher, whenever i read a good/important book i feel the need to "reflect" on it: information (author, translator, country of origin, time period, genre, summary, characters, themes, literary distinctions), quotations, connections, perceptions, metacognition
  • i make a playlist of music for every class, and listen to this music while i study for that class. sometimes the song title reminds me of the subject, sometimes the song's subject or the artist
  • i am kind of a pack rat but that's not really that unusual
  • i have this weird nervous/excited tic where i rub my hands together or rub my arms like i'm cold, but really i'm not cold, i just have a lot of energy.
  • i enjoy calculus.
  • i cut my own hair, because i am always trying to grow it longer, and whenever i get my hair cut, they cut off two inches when i say a quarter of an inch. but i always cut my bangs a little too short.
  • i have very specific ways of studying, when i do study, which is rarely. typically if i write something down, i remember it, when it comes to school subjects, but apparently not anything else.
  • i fall into a lot of pools.
  • i have parted my hair on my right, your left since i was 8 or 9. partly (haha) because i am sure i have a weirdly shaped face, and partly because i have weird moles on the right side of my scalp. i have a lot of moles and freckles.
jul 7 2009 ∞
aug 6 2009 +