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and then they went on to say that the pearly gates had some eloquent graffiti, like "we'll meet again", and "fuck the man", and "tell my mother not to worry"

listography NEW NEWS
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  • calc 131: professor olson who reminds me of mrs. mull with less good taste in clothing and less self-confidence. maybe all they have in common is being young women who teach calculus. which can't be that common. because calculus is bullshit.
  • art history 101: professor tomasine i don't know her last name. she's definitely a tomasine. i like her because she dresses like mrs. shepherd except less so. she also unfortunately likes to talk about stonehenge even though class ended 10 minutes ago. and even though i also like to talk about stonehenge, my next class is a good ten minute walk away.
  • chem 107: professor burin or something, who is straight off the boat from russia and is therefore barely understandable but not in a holy-shit-i'm-going-to-fail-this-class kind of way, but in a oh-my-god-that-man's-accent-is-delightfully-hilarious kind of way. i can't decide if he's a good teacher. he is technologically impaired.
  • colq 101: professor luongo who is of diminuitive stature. he's actually very cool. he's no mrs. shepherd but he is teaching a similar class and it should be awesome. i have his class in half an hour.
  • tide 142: professor kennedy who wears his pants up near his nipples and is mondo awkward but seems sufficiently amusing to make up for that. also his class is pretty sweet and he has good taste in TV shows/music/movies/food.
aug 27 2009 ∞
nov 29 2009 +