• brain fart: It means you just forgot something. Whats two plus two? Ummmmmm (Brain fart) 5? It's just a slang expression meaning a temporary memory lapse, like you suddenly can't remember someone's name, or you forget the answer to a math problem. It happens to everyone at one time or another
jul 15 2010 ∞
nov 8 2010 +
  • al naba2
  • al nazi3at
  • 3abas
  • al takathoor
  • al infitar
  • al motafeefeen
  • al inshiqaq
  • al boroj
  • al tariq
  • al a3laa
  • al '3ashiya
  • al fjr
  • al balad
  • al shams
  • al layl
  • al '9o7a
  • al shr7
  • al teen
  • al 3lq
  • al 8adr
  • al bayina
jul 15 2010 ∞
nov 8 2010 +
  • / Be happy with my figure
  • / Collect all the WAD magazine covers online
  • / Complete the about us book
  • / Create a budget and stick to it
  • / Dedicate a set amount for charity
  • / Get over my needle phobia
  • / Go on the metro
  • / Go to the gyno
  • / Join postcrossing
  • / Join twitter
  • / Kafalat yateem
  • / Make a new friend - Ayman
  • / Minimum fizzy drinks
  • / Print my creatures on t-shirts
  • / Sleep better
  • / Start a new tradition - Saturday Iftar with the reymans
  • / Take driving classes
  • / Watch emiley
  • / Wear 7ijab
jul 13 2010 ∞
may 31 2012 +
  • Application form. The applicant must complete and sign an application form.
  • Personal statement of intent. The applicant must provide a personal statement discussing reasons for graduate study.
  • Application fees. A 50 US $ or 183 QAR graduate application and processing fee must be submitted in the form of cash or credit/debit card withdrawl to VCUQatar’s cashier.
  • Academic documentation. Original or officially certified copies of all grade reports for all secondary and university studies, as well as original or officially certified copies of all academic diplomas, certificates and national or other major examination results must be submitted to VCUQatar. Official records must be submitted in the native language and must be accompanied by an official English translation. All documents will be evaluated by VC...
jul 15 2010 ∞
nov 8 2010 +
  • The Dark Knight (2008)
  • The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003)
  • City of God (2002)
  • The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001)
  • Memento (2000)
  • The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002)
  • Amélie (2001)
  • WALL·E (2008)
  • The Lives of Others (2006)
  • Spirited Away (2001)
  • The Pianist (2002)
  • The Departed (2006)
  • Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)
  • Requiem for a Dream (2000)
  • Pan's Labyrinth (2006)
  • Downfall (2004)
  • The Prestige (2006)
jul 15 2010 ∞
nov 8 2010 +
  • kafalat yateem
  • hijab
  • prayers
  • read quraan
  • memorize jozo2 3ama (22/37)
  • Omra
  • dedicate a set amount of pay check to charity
jul 13 2010 ∞
nov 8 2010 +
  • ‏ شراء مصحف ووضعه في مسجد

تقديم هدية بسيطة لأحد الوالدين *

القيام بصلة قريب لم تره منذ أشهر /*

الاتصال بأخ لك في الله والسؤال عن حاله *

التسامح مع إنسان غاضب منك *

نصيحة أخوية ودية لإنسان عاص *

رسم بسمة على شفة يتيم *

صدقة لا تخبر بها أحد *

قراءة سورة من القرآن *

القيام بزيارة مريض *

القيام بإعانة محتاج *

ذكر الله وتذكير غيرك *

حفظ حديث والعمل به *

إماطة الأذى عن الطريق *

may 23 2009 ∞
jul 8 2010 +
  • Jam Jar - paint something for each other
  • Karaoke
  • Desert picnic
  • cafe ceramic
  • photo shoot as a couple
  • Sex in the desert
  • Sex in baby z
  • All day movie date
  • play hide and seek in ikea
  • build a blanket fort
  • Aquaventure - Atlantis
  • Swim with dolphins - Atlantis
  • Ski lessons in ski Dubai
  • Bastakia - art galleries day
  • couple cooking classes
  • couple spa session - desert palm
  • spend a day making prank phone calls
  • Games in global village
  • beach picnic
  • spend a day picking out photos to make a...
jul 15 2010 ∞
may 24 2012 +
  • The five people you meet in heaven - Mitch Albom
  • The Alchemist - pauolo coelho
jul 15 2010 ∞
nov 8 2010 +
  • Asia
    • Malaysia
    • Thailand
    • Iran
    • Bahrain
    • Oman
    • Qatar
    • Kuwait
  • Africa
    • Egypt
  • Australia
    • Sydney
    • Gold Cost
  • America
    • Texas
    • Colorado
    • California
jul 15 2010 ∞
nov 8 2010 +
  • enroll in VCW jan 2011
  • PMP course
  • calligraphy course
  • watercolor course
  • print production course (hands on)
  • silk screen course
jul 13 2010 ∞
jan 18 2012 +