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I am myself. I doubt you actually care to know what that entails... nor do I wish to tell you what it does. Why don't you get off the computer and spend some time figuring out who YOU are, rather than spending time learning about other people whom have little to no significance to your own life. Do you have a son/daughter? Then how about spend some time with them. A Grandparent? Give her or him a ...

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  • what's in Area 51
  • who killed Marilyn Monroe
  • where Bigfoot is
  • how to time travel
  • how many licks it takes to get to the tootsie roll center of a tootsie pop
  • who killed George Reeves
  • what would have happened if Kennedy hadn't been shot
  • where socks go that disappear from your laundry in the dryer
  • why they have never attempted cheese flavored soda, or if they have, where is it and how can i get some
  • when are they going to make a Jungle Cruise movie
  • whether or not Walt Disney's head is frozen
    • answered by Bob Gurr (Walt is not frozen)
  • how somebody could do that "Meep! Meep!" sound for the Road Runner on Looney Tunes
  • whos idea it was to cancel Arrested Development, and why
  • how it would feel to reach the opposite side of the center of the earth in a tunnel and suddenly have gravity flip you around
  • where they are hiding all the Pepsi Clear and Scooby Doo Peanut Butter Bones Ice Cream
  • just how exactly does a freaking cell phone work and sound systems in general, like how do things make the sound of other things....
  • whatever happened to D.B. Cooper
  • where life exists outside of our planet
nov 4 2009 ∞
nov 15 2009 +