canon compliant

  • Flushed by suzzzan
    • akagi/ginjima; rated T+; 2.6k words; 1/1
    • here’s the summary: “So. Gin’s abs were going to ruin Akagi’s life. // Fuck.”
    • and here are two of the tags: “akagi has a gay crisis” and “gin has a hot bod”
    • take from those what you will
    • i laughed out loud like five times. A+ clowning of inarizaki volleyball club, esp akagi and atsumu

alternate universe

  • emergency contact by sketchedsmiles
    • akagi/ginjima; rated T+; 20k words; 1/1
    • college au where akagi is an RA who somehow always ends up there for ginjima when he needs it. lots of typical college dorm-related problems and shenanigans
    • super sweet and touching. if you’re not half in love with akagi after this idk what to tell you
    • tw minor car accident (everyone is okay)
  • No Big Deal by sifuhotman
    • akagi michinari/ginjima hitoshi; rated T+; 14k words; 1/1
    • part of subtle inarizaki things series, which I recommended last month
    • akagi and gin are roommates who boink!
    • if you follow me on twitter, you know that I am a MASSIVE akagi michinari fan. I am simply spreading akagin agenda over here too on tumblr dot com
  • Foresight by sifuhotman
    • akagi/ginjima; rated T+; 15k words; 1/1
    • established akagin, part of subtle inarizaki things college au series
    • akagi is about to graduate and doesn’t know what he’s doing with his life. (this is ship-focused and not that short, but I’m categorizing it here bc a significant portion of it was focused solely on akagi’s struggles)
    • this hit HOME for me because I, like akagi, am about to graduate university and I do NOT know what I am doing with my life somebody help me
    • seriously if you are about to graduate or are at a similar transition stage in your life, even if you do not care/know akagin, I highly recommend this fic because I think it helped me a lot to process the changes in my own life
    • (note: I wrote this rec in may 2021 at the cusp of my college graduation but I still 100% stand by how I felt reading this fic)
  • zero to hero by sketchedsmiles
    • akagin; rated T+; 18.8k words; 1/1; gin pov
    • superhero au :) civilian gin is saved by masked superhero akagi
    • i’m a sucker for any and all superhero au’s but this one is especially well-done. i loved gin’s voice and akagi’s characterization and the way everything ties back together in the end :)
    • featuring miya atsumu who won’t stop chasing superheroes sightings on internet forums and kita shinsuke trying to shut down his posts
nov 21 2021 ∞
nov 22 2021 +