ennoshita chikara

  • imposter syndrome by ely_su
    • ennoshita-centric + ennoshita/futakuchi close friendship (qpr?); rated T+; 11k words; 1/1; ennoshita pov
    • aromantic and asexual ennoshita figuring things out and coming out. canon compliant
    • this fic feels quite healing, and the ending was really emotionally satisfying
    • aro ace pride!!!!

miya atsumu

  • a kind of swallowing by limeprint
    • atsumu focus; rated Gen; 3.7k words; 1/1
    • a letter from atsumu to osamu
    • it’s absolutely devastating and I nearly cried while reading. lia limeprint outdoes themselves again. tw dark thoughts an...
nov 17 2021 ∞
nov 22 2021 +

date tech

  • fingertip pushups by asynchrony
    • koganegawa-centric; rated Gen; 2k words; 1/1
    • koganegawa tries to improve himself and talks to his teammates :)
    • literally the cutest thing i want to give koganegawa a hug so bad

msby and adlers

  • eggceeding eggspectations by asynchrony
    • msby and adlers; rated Gen; 1.9 words; 1/1
    • msby black jackals and schweiden adlers have a timed egg-eating competition. that’s it that’s the fic
    • social media fic. writer is good at making ao3 look like social media
nov 22 2021 ∞
nov 22 2021 +

canon compliant

  • Flushed by suzzzan
    • akagi/ginjima; rated T+; 2.6k words; 1/1
    • here’s the summary: “So. Gin’s abs were going to ruin Akagi’s life. // Fuck.”
    • and here are two of the tags: “akagi has a gay crisis” and “gin has a hot bod”
    • take from those what you will
    • i laughed out loud like five times. A+ clowning of inarizaki volleyball club, esp akagi and atsumu

alternate universe

  • emergency contact by sketchedsmiles
    • akagi/ginjima; rated T+; 20k words; 1/1
    • college au where akagi is an RA who somehow always ends up there for ginjima when ...
nov 21 2021 ∞
nov 22 2021 +

canon compliant/divergent

  • CANTO VI by scifis
    • atsuhina; rated T+; 1k words; 1/1
    • atsumu character study, re: hunger
    • I don’t even have the words to describe this fic; it’s electrifying and gorgeous and is really poetry in fic form. if you like atsumu I think you should read this
    • criminally underrated
  • no more keeping score, now i just keep y... by comfortcharacters
    • atsumu/hinata, past kagehina; rated T+; 3k words; 1/1
    • hinata and his relationships with his two setters, pre- and post-timeskip
    • I loved this story because it featured romantic atsuhina without diminishing the valid and important relationship between hinata and kageyama
nov 22 2021 ∞
nov 22 2021 +
  • Current Concern: Fukunaga Shohei by copyrightings
    • yamamoto/fukunaga; rated T+; 6k words; 1/1
    • captain fukunaga and vice captain yamamoto navigate a new year of nekoma after their previous third-years graduate :’)
nov 22 2021 ∞
nov 22 2021 +

canon compliant/divergent

  • birdcatcher, starcatcher by daedalust
    • hirugami/hoshiumi; not rated; 3k words; 1/1
    • soft and tender hiruhoshi, the difficulties they each deal with, and how they help each other through them
    • gorgeous writing and beautiful bird metaphors

alternate universe

  • if ever your fortress caves by Flumes
    • hiruhoshi; rated T+; 27k words; 1/1
    • werewolf au where hoshiumi and others are werewolves and hirugami is a vet
    • this fic came highly recommended to me on twitter, and it totally lived up to the hype. the schweiden adlers and msby as wolf packs is *chef’s kiss* and I genuine...
nov 22 2021 ∞
nov 22 2021 +

canon compliant/divergent

  • Lost in Translation by rageprufrock
    • iwaoi; rated T+; 9.6k words; 1/1; iwaizumi pov
    • iwaizumi as a college student in california; oikawa in argentina
    • this fic is chock-full of delightful OCs, all of whom exhibit some kind of californian stereotype. ft our beloved iwa being iwa, ie emotionally dense log
    • as a california native who went to college in california, this was, like, so accurate
    • do not be put off by the lack of ao3 tags by this author; I can vouch that the fic was EXCELLENT

alternate universe

nov 21 2021 ∞
nov 22 2021 +

canon compliant

  • hiraeth by skiecas
    • kagehina; rated Gen; 30k words; 1/1
    • karasuno first-years in their third year, a month before their graduation
    • lots of talking about the present and future; lots of pining but they don’t realize they’re pining
    • made me kind of sad and reflective to be honest but that’s the mark of a good fic, right
  • planet six by panyang
    • kagehina; rated T+; 5.8k words; 1/1
    • kageyama and hinata’s relationship through time, in a non-linear narrative
    • this fic is criminally underrated and is so tender
    • highly convincing re: kagehina endgame. this fic says they are soulmates and I bel...
nov 21 2021 ∞
nov 22 2021 +

canon compliant/divergent

  • i may be talkin' out of place by harvestinrice
    • kita shinsuke/sawamura daichi; rated Gen; 2k words; 1/1
    • kita and daichi encounter each other in tokyo the night after the inarizaki loss
    • super underrated fic; def recommend bc it is short and introspective
nov 22 2021 ∞
nov 22 2021 +
  • running from lions by caandlelit
    • konoha/sarukui; rated T+; 8k words; 1/1
    • sarukui is head over heels in love with konoha. he’s trying to say something, he really is
    • author does both sarukui and konoha justice. sarukui is Down Bad, but author maintains his sense of humor and, in a meta sense, the fact that he is a side character in haikyuu. a sweet high school get-together about a compelling little dude whom I love
nov 22 2021 ∞
nov 22 2021 +

alternate universe

  • i might be a little tipsy on your love by sirensokka
    • kiyoko/yachi + others mentioned: rated T+; 4k words; 1/1
    • hufflepuff yachi tries to use amortentia on ravenclaw quidditch captain kiyoko!!! cavity-inducing fluff ft. yachi’s social awkwardness and soft yamaguchi as her bff
    • you guys it was SO CUTE
nov 21 2021 ∞
nov 22 2021 +


  • venus 金星 planet of love by fatal
    • kunimi/kageyama; rated M; varying lengths but 28k total; 3 fics, series complete
    • timeskip kunikage, fwb but they are kind of in love. past sakusa/kunimi in the second part
    • actually this is a series and they are all published separately. the first one is fairly short and the next two are longer
    • in which ao3 user fatal ripped out my heart and didn’t give it back. I keep saying this for every fic but I really, really mean it when I say this writing is breathtaking and spectacular and devastating. if you are in the mood for kunikage Angst with capital A, I cannot recommend this enough
    • it was 3:30 am and I sobbed through this fic in bed. didn’t think it was possibl...
nov 21 2021 ∞
nov 22 2021 +

alternate universe

  • crushes get handcuffed for twenty-four h... by rainshowers
    • kuroo/daichi; rated M; 6.9k words; 1/1
    • (self-explanatory) au where they film a buzzfeed-type video where they are handcuffed together for 24 hours
    • it’s pretty much what you would expect from one of those videos :) the chemistry is sizzling and the writing is great :) I love them
nov 22 2021 ∞
nov 22 2021 +

gonna put these in the same category for convenience


  • mean little smile by ohwickedsoul
    • kuroo/yaku; rated T+; 4.1k words; 1/1
    • basically kuroo has a big crush and they flirt really really hard with each other
    • super enjoyable ugh I love their dynamic so much!!!


  • do me a favour (break my nose) by leafpile
    • kuroo/daishou; rated T+; 7.1k; 1/1
    • kuroo breaks daishou’s nose. they sit in an emergency room for a few hours
    • author manages to convey with pinpoint accuracy the exact liminal feeling of being in an emergency room for undefined periods of time
nov 22 2021 ∞
nov 22 2021 +

canon compliant

  • parachute jump by ravenclawboys​
    • osamu/yamaguchi; rated Gen; 5k words; 1/1
    • when atsumu singles out hinata at the end of karasuno vs inarizaki match, osamu picks his own karasuno freshman :) + a reworking of the canon moment b/w yams and osamu in timeskip
    • very fluffy very cute and features one of my fave rarepairs. just two soft bois living life and pining a little bit
  • Who do you follow first: Your crush? or ... by prideandpre-judas​
    • osamu/yamaguchi; rated T+; 6k words; 2/2
    • osamu and yamaguchi + both of their friend groups reconnect after the msby v. schweiden match
    • karasuno first-years dynamics are on point, osayama are characterized accurately, ...
nov 21 2021 ∞
nov 22 2021 +

canon compliant/divergent

  • again, like this by @noodletastic​
    • sakusa/atsumu (+ side sunaosa); rated E; 55k words; 6/6
    • sakuatsu hook up once and then keep doing it
    • hot! but also like really sweet!! i’m in love with this fic and kept refreshing my inbox waiting for the updates
  • THE HUMAN CONDITION by mcbeefy
    • sakuatsu; rated T+; 24k words; 1/1
    • sex-averse asexual atsumu
    • as someone who is ace-spec, this really really hits. I don’t have much else to say but this was absolutely spectacular. I wanted to shake atsumu so hard though BOY YOU DESERVE LOVE
  • Northern Downpour by hatsuna
nov 21 2021 ∞
nov 22 2021 +
  • convergence by Fountain_Quill
    • semi/shirabu; rated T+; 9.4k words; 1/1
    • in college, shirabu visits a bar with his friends. semi happens to be playing there
    • lots of cameos from miyagi and tokyo training camp players
    • this fic has the best unexpected-meeting-after-several-years-apart scene I’ve ever read
nov 22 2021 ∞
nov 22 2021 +

canon compliant/divergent

  • Hot Girl Shit by Systemic
    • suna/komori + side sakuatsu; rated Gen; 3k words; 1/1
    • timeskip texting/social media fic in which suna and komori try to get sakusa and atsumu together
    • dumbasses who are bad at communication + lots of kaomoji usage that made me smile
nov 22 2021 ∞
nov 22 2021 +

canon compliant/divergent

  • kiss me more by yuzubalm
    • sunaosa; rated M; 15k words; 1/1
    • suna and osamu timeskip friends with benefits AND feelings, but of course they don’t talk about their feelings
    • author’s descriptions are SO INCREDIBLY TENDER they really k-worded me
    • very much recommend this if you are feeling pandemic loneliness and want to project into ~love~
  • touched down by Togaki
    • sunaosa; rated M; 20k words; 1/1
    • after high school, osamu loses his way. and then finds his way again
    • it is touching and devastating and quite hopeful at the end. osamu really goes through a whole journey here re: his growing up and finding his way out of a hole, an...
nov 21 2021 ∞
nov 22 2021 +
  • counting the breaths until you by jintimacy
    • tsukishima/kageyama; rated M; 21k words; 1/1
    • karasuno first-years after hs graduation. tsukishima pines HARD for kageyama, who pines right back, but they are obstinately Not Dating
    • tsukishima pink hair agenda
    • this was my favorite from this list
nov 22 2021 ∞
nov 22 2021 +
  • Unfortunately No (But Actually Yes) by Kicon
    • tananoya; rated E; 10k words; 8/8
    • tanaka walks in on noya jerking off (and catches feels?)
    • the author characterizes both tanaka and noya so well!! like srsly that’s exactly how it feels to be in tanaka’s head probably
    • I had the privilege of following this one when it was updating; it was an angsty, smutty masterpiece
nov 21 2021 ∞
nov 21 2021 +

canon compliant/divergent

  • miserability by copyrightings
    • tsukishima/yamaguchi; rated M; 82k words; 14/?
    • post-timeskip but something happened between tsukkiyama and now they’re out of touch. yamaguchi’s company sponsors tsukki’s team and now they have to interact
    • slowburn central but the angst is only getting worse from here
    • author has the most beautiful writing style; some of the lines take my breath away
nov 21 2021 ∞
nov 21 2021 +

canon compliant/divergent

  • say tomorrow doesn't come by rooted
    • ushijima/sakusa; rated T+; 3k words; 1/1
    • eight years of snapshots of the yearning in the relationship between sakusa and ushijima
    • ushijima’s “complete and uncomplicated love”
    • not a long fic but every single word is there for a purpose. so, so beautiful
  • HUSH by mareas
    • ushijima/sakusa; rated M; 6.0k words; 1/1
    • established ushisaku where sakusa has a thing for his fingers in ushijima’s mouth
    • this fic is so funny and even more tender. sakusa muses about intimacy and love while totally losing his mind
nov 22 2021 ∞
nov 22 2021 +
  • unwalked (15' to 22') by limeprint
    • konoha/washio; rated Gen, 1.3k words; 1/1
    • konoha akinori introspection, between high school and timeskip
    • they/them konoha [feral yelling] also lots of cameos from the other teams
    • konoha thinking about volleyball, goals, sticking to things, and washio
    • heartwrenching writing; I love this author
nov 22 2021 ∞
nov 22 2021 +
  • shrapnel by nure
    • yaku morisuke/haiba lev; rated Gen; 13k words; 1/1
    • standalone in an unconnected series about miscommunication
    • non-linear narrative between current situation (a couple years after lev’s high school graduation) and history (lev’s first year)
    • this fic is extremely underrated
nov 22 2021 ∞
nov 22 2021 +
  • eyes on the ball (eyes on me) by daedalust
    • yaku/nishinoya; rated M; 3.7k; 1/1
    • main timeline + yaku finding out that nishinoya is quitting volleyball
    • “One glance up at Yaku Morisuke, and Nishinoya is bewitched by a wildcat of a schoolboy.”
    • cat and bird metaphors + a whole lot of angst
nov 22 2021 ∞
nov 22 2021 +

canon compliant

  • and the birds looking for a place to lan... by asynchrony
    • kageyama/yamaguchi; rated Gen; 2.5k words; 1/1; yamaguchi pov
    • canon compliant, karasuno first-years in their third year. yamaguchi watches and yearns
    • really genuinely such a gorgeous study of kageyama through yamaguchi, yamaguchi through kageyama, and the karasuno first-years’ family dynamics. all of this is packed up into a very short very impactful fic
    • even if you don’t usually read/ship yamayama, I would encourage you to read this
    • ao3 asynchrony your range is awe-inspiring and genuinely i am your biggest fan
feb 20 2022 ∞
feb 20 2022 +