
  • venus 金星 planet of love by fatal
    • kunimi/kageyama; rated M; varying lengths but 28k total; 3 fics, series complete
    • timeskip kunikage, fwb but they are kind of in love. past sakusa/kunimi in the second part
    • actually this is a series and they are all published separately. the first one is fairly short and the next two are longer
    • in which ao3 user fatal ripped out my heart and didn’t give it back. I keep saying this for every fic but I really, really mean it when I say this writing is breathtaking and spectacular and devastating. if you are in the mood for kunikage Angst with capital A, I cannot recommend this enough
    • it was 3:30 am and I sobbed through this fic in bed. didn’t think it was possible to cry so hard over a metaphor. if you read this and want to talk about it my DMs are open. PLEASE I am desperate to talk to anybody about it oh my god
  • you never backed down by Slumber
    • kunikage; rated T+; 2.3k words; 1/1
    • kunimi houses kageyama for the night during the 2021 olympics
    • it’s sweet, quiet, and thoughtful, and I enjoyed it quite a lot


  • Fall Together, Fall Apart by darkmagicalgirl
    • kindaichi/kunimi/kageyama; rated T+; 16k words; 1/1
    • kinkunikage are soulmates but severed their bond (bc of canon events). non-linear narrative split between middle and high school
    • this is the one old fic among my recs this time
    • incredibly painful. wow the author built such a complete emotional landscape
nov 21 2021 ∞
nov 22 2021 +