- @roryramblings ( my writing acc / now main, at this point i'm gonna have to migrate to my nsfw )
- @cursedofhands ( main UNTIL this also got suspended )
- @fe_niles ( dead rp account OR IT WAS and then it was my main ^ )
- @lnCaudaVenenum ( my private, was previously @saverory2k17 but twitter decided to be an asshole and lock me out of it )
- @acidaftertaste ( nsfw )
- @KuChrome ( an izaya orihara bot, tweets in canon novel quotes roughly every hour / twitter suspended him forever in our hearts )
- @shinmegaymer ( my livetweet account, twitter decided to be an asshole and permanently suspended me )
- @badwrongtown ( suspended former main )
- @rainbow2swag4u ( dead rp account)
- @hau_pkmn ( dead rp account )
jun 21 2017 ∞ may 11 2024 +
- rune factory 2, rune factory oceans / tides of destiny, rune factory 3, rune factory 4, rune factory 5 ( video game series )
- spirit hunter: death mark, spirit hunter: NG ( video game series )
- a cruel god reigns ( manga )
- monster ( manga / anime )
- 20th century boys / 21st century boys ( manga )
- shin megami tensei III: nocturne, shin megami tensei IV, shin megami tensei IV apocalypse, shin megami tensei V, shin megami tensei: strange journey redux ( video game series )
- requiem of the rose king ( manga )
- 9 hours 9 persons 9 doors, virtue's last reward, zero time dilemma ( video game series )
- pokémon ranger: shadows of almia, pokémon ranger: guardian signs ( video game se...
jun 21 2017 ∞ may 6 2024 +
- my name is rory / ruarí (also can use rune or redd to refer to me if you happen to know someone with the same name, or whichever is your personal preference)
- i am 25↑
- they / them pronouns, unless it's funnier to gender me otherwise
- a lot of the time i'm on discord instead of twitter, my username is frontierpodiatrist
- do not refer to me as queer or as an enby, as i don't really care for them with my own personal self-expression; also not a man, not a woman, don't really care for either
- the freya i mention is my dog (pitbull terrier) and fezzik is my cat (big cat mix)
- i also watch a lot of movies that aren't mentioned here and may go on tangents about those, and i post about or retweet hor...
jun 21 2017 ∞ feb 13 2025 +
- redemption arc
- complicated family dynamics
- humiliation conga
- childhood friends / rivals
- enemies to lovers
- loving a shadow
- unrequited love / unrequited love switch
- chekhov's gun
- parental substitute
- parallels
- insurmountable odds
- mercy killing
- deal with the gods
- loneliness
- third wheeled
- trope subversion
- unreliable narrator
- morally ambigious protagonists
- low empathy women
- dirty fighting
- body horror
mar 9 2019 ∞ mar 9 2019 +
- "rory you stand alone in a league of beings i cannot surpass"
- "NO rory can't be trusted"
- "next thing you know Rory grows to like 8 feet tall and demands human sacrifices"
- "I can't believe Rory pushed Chris into oncoming traffic"
- "rory really has no fear they will destroy adelle for doing anything she was singing some country song one time and they just said shut up you country bitch"
- "me: 'chris is a hack'? who's spittin that hot truth-oh it's rory"
- "*rory voice* believe it or not, hozier gets pegged."
- "well excuse me for apparently being the only one that doesn't know our child is an eldritch monster from the beyond"
jun 29 2017 ∞ jul 12 2021 +
- izaya orihara ( durarara!! )
- barrett ( rune factory 2 )
- kyle ( rune factory 2 )
- marian ( rune factory 3 )
- arthur ( rune factory 4 )
- zero ( pokémon: giratina and the sky warrior )
- hau ( pokémon moon / sun, pokémon ultra moon / ultra sun )
- ryuki ( pokémon moon / sun, pokémon ultra moon / ultra sun )
- billy ( pokémon ranger )
- keith ( pokémon ranger: shadows of almia )
- toren ( pokémon: the power of us )
- arven ( pokémon scarlet and violet )
- professor turo ( pokémon scarlet and violet )
- raifort ( pokémon scarlet and violet )
- junpei tenmyouji ( zero escape series )
- hallelujah ( shin megami tensei IV apocal...
jun 21 2017 ∞ oct 11 2024 +