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A wolf in full stride is quite impressive. Firing orders at subordinates while on the phone to customers, no one can get the job done quite as efficiently as the wolf.
With an innate understanding of the value of teamwork, it's always ready to take its place in the chain of command either as leader or as simply a member of the pack. When a wolf decides to innovate, it makes sure that it has the backing of a capable team. The wolf is clear-headed and strong-minded, always willing to compromise in the interests of getting a job done.
Wolves are facially expressive and readily communicate their emotional states with body language. They work hard at developing their social relationships, although unlike their cousin the dog they are quick to anger when they sense threats to the social order. When confrontations occurs, they sometimes react suddenly and violently, barking displeasure at offending subordinates. Close companions know to avoid their biting tongue until they resume their normal gregarious behavior.
Wolves are intensely ambitious and never shy from hard work. Socially adept, they function well in leadership and management roles as well as in jobs requiring vision and strength of character. Being a natural motivator, their instinctive understanding of group dynamics serves them well in goal-oriented tasks.