• watches 101 Dalmations over and over
  • whispers in our ear
  • loves to give wet spitty kisses
  • throws fist in the air when he's mad
  • eats meat! Likes ham, turkey jerkey, hot dogs
  • better at saying sorry, but has to do it more often...
  • sad if he forgets to give daddy high fives before work
  • tries ice skating but doesn't like to stay on the ice long without mommy
  • "There's post downstairs. You know what to do!" ??
  • loves to feed cranberries to the ferrets
  • calls us mommy dear and daddy dear
  • sings cruella deville song like a crooner
  • "that's the deepest/silliest/funniest I ever seen"
  • poops on potty and goes to pump and jumps
  • likes his new big boy car seat
  • yells "NEVA! EVA!" when he's mad.

February 2014

  • only eats cream out of Oreos
  • gets red car stuck in Oreo cream
  • hates hates hates washing his hair
  • random word he says: pickles, robot
  • likes to stick his tongue out when he kisses us
  • sleeps without diapers!
  • gets excited for poppys visit
  • always says he's 'out of power/gas' and stops walking when he's tired

March 2014

  • eats Spaghettios and cereal (with milk) for the first time
  • is a very good boy getting his haircut at snip-its. Even stays still and quiet with the buzzer near his ears even though he looked scared.
  • stays with gigi for a whole day while we're at work, even sleeps at her place the night before.
  • stays with his first non-family sitter Kristin and has a good time. He calls her 'my friend'
  • won't fall asleep and keeps repeating "I have an itch, push my button"
  • tries zucchini pasta and likes it
  • watches peppa pig marathons
  • sings songs while riding his tractor
  • "You're pretty silly for a city kid"
  • "Dont Panic, mom."
  • demands 2 long ropes before bed
  • when he doesn't want to nap says "but it's not dark outside"

April 2014

  • learns about taste buds and looks for his in the mirror
  • grabs my arm with his and says "I'm a clam"
  • enjoys turkey pepperoni, hot tea, and a spam sandwich at gigis
  • sings imagine dragons demons but says "where my tebons fun..."
  • des was upset when they towed the cherokee away for good, said he wanted a car like that when he gets older


  • jumps in puddles
  • shy when close to characters especially Mickey
  • loved dinosaur boneyard
  • had to leave nemo show bc he was scared of the shark
  • scared of: sharks, fire, volcanos, dragons, villians,
  • always wanted to go in the kids pool at hotel
  • ate a million hard-boiled egg whites
  • gave his balloon away to a little boy at the hotel
  • ran into the kid pool with a towel on his head, both of us were there to catch him
  • slowly crept up to the lizards on the pathways

MAY 2014

  • makes skunk soup on top of the sandbox mixing rain water with mulch
  • "I gotta tell ya..."
  • Des: maybe the foghorn makes noise cause my foot is itchy. Me: no it's called a foghorn not a FOOThorn. Des: *laughs sleepily* heh, a shoehorn.
  • loves to play with Aiden in the driveway
  • crashes the JetBlount blowup toy into my face saying 'prepare for landing'
  • when he's disappointed starts off by saying "Now I'll NEVER ...."
  • whenever we discuss a new topic he wants to watch a video of it on youtube (for example: squirrels eating nuts, foghorns)
  • "you're ruined mommy. The cope are gonna take you away. I'm gonna smash you up. They're going to split you open and look at your insides. You didn't put enough milk on your cereal."
  • always says 'scrumbled up'
  • watches mad skunk video on youtube

JUNE 2014

  • starts sleeping through the night without a diaper!
  • asks to go pee on the potty in the middle of the night.
  • poops on potty unexpectedly without telling mommy he needs to go
  • loves mater
  • likes to say "later mater!"
  • D: "when do astronauts eat?" Me: "when?! I don't know. You probably lose all sense of time in space, so I would say they eat whenever they're hungry." Des: "no they eat when it's dinner time"
  • Des: "what does poop start with?" Me: "P" Des: "no, farts!"
  • puts laundry basket on his back and says "I'm a snail and I'm going to eat all of your lettuce"
  • finally found a way to convince him to shampoo his hair by calling the shampoo big checker and pretending to check with it. He let's me rinse his hair if he can press a towel on his eyes.
  • Des has deer tick stuck to his neck
  • obsessed with dog horns and lighthouses
  • knows how to mimic sounds really well (foghorns, starting cars, race cars)
  • always sleeps through the night without a diaper

July 2014

  • poops on the potty another two times without telling anyone or being forced
  • officially potty trained!!!
  • says 'good mixture' like Sarah when mixing juice and water
  • Des sees fireflies for the first time in PA
  • has neon green poops at carls house
  • has crying tantrums like when I told him my old jeep may have been recycled into parts, or when I told him daddy and Des were taking Levon to the vet.
  • says 'no way' a lot
  • has pulled his wee-wee through the underwear hole and laughed way too hard about it.
  • adds huh? To the end of his sentences "nice day, huh?"
  • " you know what I like about you mommy?.... I love you."
  • recognised the word 'Go' without practicing it.
  • "I'm sad when daddy goes away"
  • "Mommy I really don't sleep when the TVs not on..."
  • "my favorite kind of car is a dirty jeep"
  • "Gigi cleaned my nails... And you know what I want to do with my clean nails? Give you a hug"
  • Always reminds me to give Levon his medicine
  • Des's first movie at regal cinemas - ate popcorn, got in for free, played games but it is still excited to watch movie, walked around during movie previews but stayed in his seat for most of the movie

August 2014

  • takes good care of/makes friends with a beetle on a long kayak trip, names him captain beetle bug
  • running on a rolled up rug "look mommy, I'm walking on a taquito!"
  • sit outside on camping chairs under the super moon
  • Watches Aladdin for the first time. Enjoys 'friend like me'
  • plays with Jordan and mya at s main st music concert for over an hour (chase, throwing a football, stuffing stinky socks in each other's faces)
  • "I'm freaking out!"
  • "mideo" defined: horses that steal things
  • makes colored light for family
  • "be back in a flash! Be back in a beauty" (?)
  • always eats his pizza upside down

September 2014

  • goes hiking 2 miles with mom, carl and I and climbs some very large rocks up to the view
  • desmond loves his singing puppy birthday card from Uncle Dero
  • binoc-wee-wuz = binoculars
  • mind gwass = magnifying glass
  • takes things very personally when TJ tells him NO or not to do something or doesnt share; will start balling immediately
  • "How did you know that? Bc im good at ___."
  • looks like Pipa when he wears sweatpants

October 2014

  • desmond tells me he was going to have a bad day bc he had a bad dream that i was crying because he died. He was run over by a van and a bug.
  • says he will dream of daddy but it'll be a sad dream bc he misses him
  • really enjoys puzzles
  • only sleeps for half an hour bc fea scared him by crawling over him in bed
  • "why are there commercials?"
  • was a very very good boy getting a big hair cut at adventure cuts
  • loves getting mail in his toy mailbox
  • before falling asleep he says "aha! I dont want to be chase the superspy or marshall dressed as a pumpkin for halloween anymore. I want to dress like a ferret!"
  • has completed his united states puzzle over 10 times!
  • Finally decides he wants to be Peewee Herman for halloween
  • watches the peewee tequila clip over and over when we were trying on his costume for the first time
  • he was a little nervous at certain houses while trick or treating

November 2014

  • fruit-getti = fruit spaghetti as in "mommy i'm going to dream of you eating fruit-getti"
  • "hope i dont have that bad dream where daddy doesnt come home"
  • says i promise i wont do __ anymore when it sinks in that hes done something wrong
  • "but i dont want to be a wet dog" when he doesnt want to take a bath
  • says he needs alone time and slams his bedroom door behind him when he's angry
  • watches Wall-E 4 times in a week
  • falls asleep before 7:30 twice in a week
  • had fun dumping packing peanuts all over each other
  • gets a stomach bug but only throws up once; asks me to listen to his tummy; very well behaved and calm; wakes up at night to pee but when he gets to the toilet has a poopy blowout on the floor
  • mommy gets the stomach bug in the middle of the night and upon waking up see des is already awake in the entry room, sitting by the heater and eating cereal out of the bag; he was a good boy all day, stayed calm for mommy, played with auntie emma and was quiet; sat on his own for awhile.
  • Des has symptoms of pink eye on Thanksgiving evening
  • Des has bad pink eye in both eyes on the way to Pennsylvania for our Thanksgiving visit.
  • Gets used to putting drops in his eyes after mommy lets him put drops in her eyes. Takes his cough medicine in one gulp.
  • Builds his first snowman with Sienna, Uncle Dero, Nana and Carl.
  • has a horrible cough and congestion at Nana's house and when we get back to Mass
  • "i wish i had a clock that said its not time for bed"
  • says 'noitful' instead of joyful
  • Favorite christmas songs: jingle bell rock, rockin atound the christmas tree
  • have to add to the list... said 'i hate you.' when he was upset; later apologizes and said only bad people say that to nice people
  • after pooping on the potty always yells "OKAY MOMMYYY, I'M DOOOO-OOONE!
  • comes out of the shower two days after that i dont love you incident and says "im sorry i said i dont love you, but in love you now."
  • ALWAYS loves showerbaths
  • loves counting down the days until christmas
  • Des "Lets make coffee, you silly nipple!"

Me "what?! why did you call me that?" Des "because you're silly.... and you look like a nipple..."

  • tells me "you have to resist it!" when i was feeling impatient about waiting to open christmas gifts
  • favorite holiday movies - home alone and home alone 2
  • like to rewatch the singing clown/hotel manager scene over and over.
  • likes to play 'kevin' where hes kevin from home alone and im the bad guys falling into his traps
  • unwrapped his gifts at correia house a little too fast
jan 16 2014 ∞
jan 8 2015 +