• "daddy your bum smells delicious"
  • "mommy, you smell like biscuits and farts"
  • "if a bad guy was after me i would step on him"
  • "tomorrows gonna be a big day!" talking about the snow and new paw patrol episode
  • went to his second movie at the theatre "Penguins of Madagascar". Behaved for about an hour but then kept walking around the theatre and going up and down the isles.
  • has a horrible habit of thinking its funny when he puts his bum in our face. he tries to make us laugh by talking about eating poopy. gross!
  • has watched Home Alone 1 & 2 about a dozen times in a month and constantly asks to play 'Kevin' game or 'Marv and Harry' game where we pretend we're the bad guys while he sets traps around the house like Kevin.
  • counts down the minutes until I pick him up in Tiverton after work.
  • balls his eyes out just an hour before Thomas came home from England because he misses Thomas so much.
  • getting really good at using the wii controller; favorite game is zhu zhu pets
  • has to say 'i farted.' every. single. time.
  • plays candyland and puts the extra red man at the end near the candy house and says "thats poppy waiting for us with his horrible knees"
  • "that hot chocolate makes my ribs feel better"
  • loves mary poppins; chim chimney song; listening to supercalafragilisticexpialidocious on the record player
  • will listen to records at chipmunk speed


  • watched paddington bear at the theatre
  • does the step in time dance where he kicks his knees up
  • *puts his favorite 'interesting' lego pieces in a pile to the aide
  • likes chitty chitty bang bang
  • driving through providence 'i like this beautiful little city'
  • playing candyland will say 'me turn' instead of my turn bc thats how Bert from mary poppins says it
  • plays around with the sewing machine after he tells me 'i want to learn to sew'
  • 10 is his favorite number
  • me: theres a bulldozer D: no, thats a frontend loader me: oh its just like a bulldozer but with wheels D: sometimes front end loaders have tracks for traction

March 2015

  • randomly asks "did you know bats can hear with their ears?"
  • nothing new but is completely obsessed with stomping in mud and puddles. to the point where he will continue to get dressed and go outside on his own even after we've said no.
  • has fallen asleep twice while i read magic treehouse books to him
  • cruella davol street
  • likes to play goalie.

April 2015

  • says he's going to australia after hes done working with the crocodiles
  • falls asleep upstairs while gigi reads to him
  • "i was licking your hair and i just do not care"
  • listening to ben harper's 'burn one down' on the radio and says 'this song sounds like wa-hi-ee (hawaii)"
  • kisses me goodnight but it was only half on the lips and says "that kiss wasnt deep enough"

May 2015

  • in the cart at Hannafords and says "mommy turn around! turn around! i saw a girl in a pink shirt with her mommy." when i said whats so special about this girl? do you love her or something?... he said "i just never seen a girl like that before" we searched everywhere, but she was nowhere to be seen. "this is exhausting" he said.
  • "i need a friend to come with me mommy." "okay i will" "thanks mommy, your the best mommy in the whole world." "aww, am i?" "certainly"
  • pronounces his L's pretty well. says feLLabuncha, I Like it, I Love you, Lovely day Govenah mommy.
  • me: my butt is wet. Des: thats a BUM-mer. :)


  • learns to float in pool and swim with no blowup raft
  • obsessed with Alvin, Doki, AFV
  • goes fishing for the first time
  • kind of falls out with Thomas; butting heads a lot

November 2015

  • watching Patriots/Broncos game... D: if they get a score it'll be 14-14. Me: how did you know that? D: I know almost everything... except how to make noodles.
  • loves playing with Oliver
  • eats cucumbers and carrots whole.
  • restable = relaxing
  • won't stop playing football in the backyard
  • says ass and knows how to spell it
  • plays air hockey with poppy
  • loves to watch repeat hockey games
  • goes to first p-Bruins game
jan 2 2015 ∞
jan 23 2016 +