don't stress yourself out over this

  • weight loss/getting in shape is a long and tedious process. it takes many months just to improve

make healthy eating and fitness a HABIT don't worry about what your friends think

  • don't eat out or spend on food while out with your friends, especially late at night
  • limit yourself to buying a drink to smoke with
  • ignore any comments
  • don't try to assimilate because it will make you feel worse

don't panic while PMSing

  • most negative body thoughts come while PMSing. just accept you are not looking the way you want and stay calm.
  • try your best not to give into cravings.
  • keep healthy frozen treats like yogur or arctic zero.

don't bother spending on expensive health food products and stick to fresh produce and proteins

spend break away from your friends. you need time for yourself.

work out as a habit, but don't over-do it. be casual.


make working out a priority over friends. they come last. don't give in.

no bread whatsoever and ALWAYS reject it if offered.

stay out of the sun

smoke less

apr 25 2013 ∞
apr 25 2013 +